With the release of the concluding installments for the ‘X-Men’ and ‘Wolverine’ trilogies, there is scarce information as to whether 20th Century Fox plans for more spinoff films under the successful ‘X-Men’ franchise.

Although actors James McAvoy (Professor X) and Michael Fassbender (Magneto) have reportedly signed deals to take on more X-Men movies, it remains unclear as to what direction the studio plans to take after the release of the untitled ‘Wolverine’ sequel in 2017.

Looking into the possibility of an ‘anthology,’ similar to that of Disney’s approach in its ‘Star Wars’ franchise, Fox could place more emphasis on smaller standalone movies that revolve around the stories of popular X-Men characters.

Shawn Ashmore, for instance, has expressed his interest in working on a solo film for his character, Ice Man.

"An Iceman solo movie? If Fox would make it then I would do it!" Ashmore said while promoting his new TV series ‘Quantum Break.’

"I love that character, I love the Marvel universe, especially the last couple of films. I was so excited about Days of Future Past when I heard about that - it was so exciting for me, so if that was ever an opportunity? Absolutely," the 35-year-old actor added.

However, Ashmore pointed out that the studio may not necessarily focus on an Iceman solo film at the moment and underlined the importance of allowing characters to work as a team.

"The other thing about the X-Men is I think is that they work best as a team,” the actor explained. "I think that the characters really come to life when you put them in the context of the school with Xavier, with the team – that's what I always loved about the X-Men.”

When asked whether he would prefer to portray another character in the Marvel universe, it seems that the ‘Following’ actor is keen on taking the role of Johnny Blaze aka Ghost Rider.

“I love Nightcrawler and I love Ghost Rider and I don’t know if I’d ever get the chance to play those characters, but I’d love to see another take on Ghost Rider maybe. I love those books,” Ashmore shared.

As for the highly anticipated movies in the X-Men franchise, ‘X-men: Apocalypse’ is set to hit theaters on May 27, 2016 while ‘Wolverine 3’ will make its way to theaters in 2017, with an official date yet to be announced.