"Kung-Fu Panda 3" is going to be the most exciting animated film in the entire franchise and it is mainly due to the fact that its new villain Kai (voiced by J.K. Simmons) would possess supernatural abilities that would far surpass the capabilities of both Tai Lung and Shen (the villains from the first two films).

"He's somebody that's beyond Tai Lung, beyond Shen," co-director Jennifer Yuh Nelson shared with USA Today regarding the new antagonist. "He's a villain that Po is completely ill-equipped to face."

Kai is a bull who has large horns, leather armor, and uses two jade swords with chains attached as his weapon of choice.

Simmons said that he had to discover the "nature of the beast that Kai is" in order to voice the villain, and he used a lot of vocal ranges to deliver compelling dialogue and do convincing animal growls and snorts.

He revealed that Kai has some serious beef against Po's (voiced by Jack Black) trainer Master Shifu (voiced by Dustin Hoffman), so his displeasure will naturally pass on to the big happy panda and his crew.

"Let's just say Kai has been away. Now that's he's back, he's not happy about life in general," Simmons shared. "One thing he finds when he returns is that pandas make him particularly unhappy."

Po's allies are the Furious Five warriors which includes Tigress (voiced by Angelina Jolie), Monkey (voiced by Jackie Chan), Mantis (voiced by Seth Rogen), Crane (voiced by David Cross) and Viper (voiced by Lucy Liu).

However, despite his supernatural abilities and his relentless drive for revenge, Kai will still have a sense of humor. "Even if it is a little bit dark," added Simmons.

Co-director Alessandro Carloni even said that this humor will be highlighted when Kai's vulnerabilities are finally exposed.

"Kai wants revenge, and he's a bitter, bitter guy," Carloni said. "But when he becomes vulnerable, J.K. can make him hilarious."

When they were deciding on the next villain, Nelson and Carloni tried highlighting the strengths of Tai Lung and Shen, and realized that what was missing was supernatural abilities, since Tai Lung was a brawler while Shen used his brains to battle.

"You can't go brawler because Tai Lung was brawler. You can't go smarter because Shen was smarter. Where can you go? You have to go supernatural, bigger, and even more intimidating," said Nelson.

"Kung-Fu Panda 3" will be released on January 29, 2016.