With the cancellation news of the hit reality TV show of TLC, titled "19 Kids and Counting," it appears that the fans and followers of the Duggar clan are now clamoring for the return of the said show on air. Launching various online petitions, supporters of the family are actively rallying behind the Duggars in an effort to get the show back on the small screen, according to The Inquistr.

The report revealed that the fans and followers of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's brood are up in arms and in the process of encouraging all those who want to once again witness the lives of the entire clan in primetime TV to sign an online petition echoing such sentiment. In a recent post in the Duggar family blog, titled "It's Not Too Late To Support The Duggars," the supporters of the family claim that TLC might still "rethink" its decision to cancel the show if enough fans sign the online petition. The same encouraging announcement was made by the reps of the family via social media.

The online petition, titled "Support The Duggars," the public is encouraged to show their support of wholesome entertainment by pitching in via signatures to bring back the cancelled "19 Kids and Counting." The petition reads, "While the Duggar family may not be perfect and they've had difficulties like so many other families, their show WAS one of the few clean, family-friendly shows on TV." It went on to state, "Sadly, there isn't much a family can watch together any longer. The airwaves are full of terrible, trashy television! It isn't right that the Duggars must be forced off the air while the filthy shows remain!"

Referencing the recent debacle involving another family show, "Duck Dynasty" and the network airing the reality series, A&E, the supporters of the "19 Kids and Counting" claim that signing the online petition could potentially inspire TLC to reconsider its decision to cancel. The petition reads, "We want our voices to be heard! We all know the power of standing together-just ask A&E what happened when they cancelled Duck Dynasty!" To further point out the importance of keeping the show on air, the supporters of the Duggar family cited the deteriorating values of this generation and the need to retain the role models that uphold good moral virtues. The petition further adds, "It seems that every day in America our values and way of life are disappearing. We must all stand together."

At the moment, no member of the Duggar family and the stars featured in "19 Kids and Counting" has provided an official statement regarding the online petition.