The upcoming film "Jurassic World" directed by Colin Trevorrow has been receiving early raves since its premiere in Paris over the weekend, with viewers deeming it as a fitting sequel to Steven Spielberg's "Jurassic Park" films.

Trevorrow has already said that he will not be handling the next few "Jurassic World" films though, but there's no denying his masterful cinematic creation, according to Slash Film.

Viewers cannot help but gush over what they saw in Paris. Funny actor Josh Gad wrote on Twitter, "Saw the world premiere of #JurasicWorld in Paris tonight..@colintrevorrow has hit a grand slam. @prattprattpratt & #BryceDallasHoward kill."

Because of the movie, he became a huge fan of lead actress Bryce Dallas Howard and commented, "I cannot begin to describe how kick-ass and awesome #BDH is. She is about to blow minds."

He also added, "Last 20 minutes of the movie are cinematic bliss."

French actress Anouchka Delon deemed it "a more than worthy sequel" that took her back to her childhood. Jurassic Universe said that there is no way the original films will ever be topped, and the actress agreed and added that it's still "a really good sequel, no disappointment whatsoever!"

Other Frenchmen such as Jeremy Marque told Trevorrow, "You did a great job!! The movie is amazing! Beyond everything. Thx :)" while Stephane Celerier said, "JURASSIC WORLD is great & fun!!!"

For his part, Trevorrow has a short but sweet message: "Merci, Paris."

Huge Jurassic Park fan named "ChrisLikesDinos" even provided second-hand reaction to the movie from his friends from Paris and shared,  "From what I understand, the movie certainly is very action heavy after the first 45min (for better or worse) but has a ton of charm, and is incredibly well put together. There aren't any major surprises for those who followed the production closely, but again, 3 out of the 4 praised it as the best JP sequel by far."

He occasionally chats with movie reviewers to, and someone dropped him an e-mail out of nowhere saying that the film was "very good," so he considers it another plus for Jurassic World.

Twitter user Jurassic Quotes even added: "I've heard good things on Twitter from the premiere in Paris. Although, one of my friends roommate got a chance to view the movie a few days ago. He said it was on par with JP3."

Fans will not have to wait that much longer to see the film though. Jurassic World will be ready for viewing in theaters come June 12, 2015.