Open Road Films shared a photo of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Shailene Woodley as they filmed a scene in director Oliver Stone’s new biopic ‘Snowden.’ The photo was posted on the studio’s official Facebook and Twitter pages on Tuesday.

The very first look at the duo together shows Gordon-Levitt, who portrays Edward Snowden, and Woodley, who plays Snowden’s girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, spending some time near the Washington Monument, apparently discussing some matters.

Previously employed as a National Security Agency contractor, Snowden made the international headlines after he leaked private documents that exposed sensitive information relating to U.S. government surveillance, which was consequently met with conflict-ridden responses.

Following the charges that were set by the U.S. Department of Justice against Snowden, specifically two counts of violating the Espionage Act and theft of government property, the former contractor’s passport was revoked.

Before taking off for Hong Kong, Snowden and his girlfriend spent some time together in Hawaii.

Stone is also receiving screenwriting and production help from Melissa Leo, Zachary Quinto, Tom Wilkinson and Timothy Olyphant. The cast and crew have already filmed a US Army Reserve segment that shows Snowden’s basic training experiences at Fort Benning over a decade ago.

Filming for ‘Snowden’ is currently being carried out in Washington D.C., and has been given an official release date on Christmas Day this year.

This upcoming biopic from Stone will follow the approach used by director Laura Poitras in ‘Citizenfour’, a documentary that also focuses on Snowden himself and the spying controversy of the NSA.

On February 22, Mills went onstage at the Academy Awards to join Poitras after ‘Citizenfour’ received the award for best documentary feature.

Now, Snowden and Mills are speculated to have been sharing a home and living together in Moscow since July 2014, when President Putin granted Snowden temporary political asylum until 2017.

Meanwhile, Golden Globe nominee Woodley’s latest released film is ‘Insurgent’, sequel to ‘Divergent’, where she portrays the role of Tris alongside Theo James and Ansel Elgort.

Gordon-Levitt will be playing high-wire artist Philippe Petit in his next film, ‘The Walk’, which is helmed by Robert Zemeckis and will be released on October 2 in the U.S. and U.K. cinemas.