‘Gotham,’ the popular Batman spinoff television series has four episodes left until the 2015 season finale. The Fox television series unfolds the stories of the younger version of D.C. comics’ Batman characters. The newest episode of season one, “Beasts of Prey,” airs on Monday, April 13 at 8|7c.

In “Beasts of Prey,” Gotham City's Police Department (GCPD) detective James Gordon and GCPD detective Harvey Bullock investigate a serial killer called Ogre. Ogre has been targeting Gotham city’s young women. All the while, Maria Mercedes Fish Mooney attempts to escape the grasps of the Dollmaker, the leader of a child-trafficking ring. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle face Reggie, Alfred Pennyworth's old acquaintance from the military.

Characters in ‘Gotham’ are all based on the Batman comic series, but are much younger and underdeveloped. The show tells the stories of the heroes and the villains and how they became the people they are in the Batman comic series.

The cast of the show are as follows: actor Ben McKenzie as Detective Gordon, Donal Logue as Bullock, Jada Pinkett Smith as Mooney, Sean Pertwee as Alfred, Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin), David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne (future Batman), and Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle (future Catwoman).

Ep. 20, “Under the Knife,” airs on the following week, Monday, April 20, 2015. The season has 22 episodes total. ‘Gotham’ airs new episodes and re-runs on Mondays at 8 p.m. on Fox. It has won the 2014 Critics' Choice Television Award for Most Exciting New Series and the 2014 Gracie Award for Outstanding Drama.