Two judges on the New Zealand edition of the ‘X Factor’ have been removed from the show for ‘bullying’ a contestant live on air.

The husband-and-wife pairing of Natalia Kills and Willy Moon were fired by TV3 owner-operator MediaWorks for the duo’s ‘destructive tirade’ last Sunday night. TV3 is the network that broadcasts the ‘X Factor’ New Zealand series.

Kills created a huge buzz after criticizing Joe Irvine, a 25-year-old contestant, on Sunday’s live show for copying her husband’s style “from the hair to the suit.” She also called Irvine “disgusting” and “creepy”, and even asked whether the contestant respected the concept of originality.

Regardless of the evident uneasiness among the other members of the judges’ panel, Kills’ husband Moon further added his own comment which suggested that Irvine might murder the audience as he looked like “Norman Bates dressing up in his mother’s clothing.”

A statement was released by MediaWorks the following morning and chief executive Mark Weldon referred to the duo’s comments as “completely unacceptable.”

“While the judges on X Factor are expected to provide critiques of the performances, we will not tolerate such destructive tirades from any of the judges,” he said.

Weldon further clarified the network’s expectations from the judges when it comes to sharing their critiques, which Kills and Moon have failed to address.

“Contestants put their all into this competition and they should expect to receive feedback and criticism that is professional and constructive,” Weldon stated. “We no longer have confidence that Kills and Moon are the right people to perform the role of X Factor judges and they will leave the show, effective immediately.”

Last Sunday night, TV3 posted an official statement on Facebook saying that live television may well be “unpredictable.”

“TV3 does not condone bullying and are currently on-site with Joe who is doing well,” the network wrote.

Mel Blatt, ex-member of British girl pop group All Saints and fellow judge on ‘X Factor’ New Zealand, criticized Kills for making such comments live on air.

Aside from Blatt, others also expressed their outrage towards such behaviors; these include TV newsreader Hilary Barry, radio Host Dom Harvey and former ‘X Factor’ contestants Jackie Thomas and Benny Tipene.

Prior to Kills and Moon being fired, there had been rumors that their controversial comments had been part of a script in order to increase the show’s weak ratings.

The couple has not yet released an official statement, although they have already been active online, with Kills tagging herself and her husband in a photo of Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis in the movie ‘Natural Born Killers’ from 1994.