Apple continues to make the global headlines as CEO Tim Cook opens up about how the highly anticipated Apple Watch can significantly change users’ experience one tick at a time.

With the tech giant’s invite-only event happening on March 9, fans and followers are looking forward to Apple’s unveiling of its upcoming smartwatch, including details about its functionality.

The Cupertino company is expected to initially sell 6 million units of the Apple Watch, thanks to the wearable device’s unique and life-changing features.

Basic details about the Apple Watch indicate its availability in three variants as well as its phone and messaging capabilities. The smartwatch can also be used with Apple Pay.

When Cook visited an Apple retail store in London, The Telegraph interviewed the Apple CEO who also provided special details about the new watch and compared such wearable to the iPhone.

“This will be just like the iPhone: people wanted it and bought for a particular reason, perhaps just browsing, but then found out that they loved it for all sorts of other reasons,” Cook explained to The Telegraph

One of the unique advantages of purchasing the Apple Watch is to eliminate the need for car keys, Cook claimed.

In relation to this, Apple is reportedly developing the ‘Project Titan’ which seeks to reduce the number of cars which emit oil and gas, thereby contributing to a greener environment.

Aside from reinforcing their sustainable goals, Cook also pointed out that the Apple Watch will emphasize the importance of health and will come with apps that can monitor users’ heart rate and notify them when they are in need of a walk or jog.

In terms of battery life, the wearable is expected to last for an entire day with a single charge. Moreover, due to ‘special magnet technology’ in its charger, only a short time is needed for the watch to be fully charged.

With these revelations, the possibilities are endless for the company. Apple is even expected to further “tweak the experience in the store”, as stated by its CEO.

Newly appointed retail chief Angela Ahrendts, who runs the company’s online and retail stores, was recently acknowledged by Cook for her efforts and performance.

For more details on the upcoming smartwatch, Apple fans and techies alike can look forward to Apple’s special event on March 9 in San Francisco.