Easter is a religious event celebrated by Christians worldwide to commemorate the rose to the life of Jesus Christ. Following the observance of Lent is the celebration of Easter Egg Sunday. Many different traditions are practiced during this event, including egg hunting and lighting candles.

Symbol of Easter Egg for Christians

In their traditional form, Easter eggs are meant to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life Christians receive through him. For this reason, they are also known as the eggs of resurrection.

According to the Master's Hand Collection, the boiling represents Jesus' tomb being sealed off after being used to hold his body. And the breaking of the egg is meant to represent the triumphant bursting forth of Jesus' return after he was put to death.

Through His strength, He overcame death and rose from the dead after being buried. Because Christ was able to rise from death, people have the opportunity to have their sins forgiven and the assurance that they will spend eternity in heaven with Him. As mentioned, Jesus is the one who gives life. He has made it possible for those who believe in Him to have a new beginning in life.

As per Reader's Digest, to prepare for Easter, several holy festivities occur in the weeks leading up to it, such as Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday. During the Christian holiday of Easter, customs such as making hot cross buns and stuffing empty eggs with candy represent Christ's crucifixion on the cross and resurrection from the tomb. Listening to performances of Handel's Messiah and watching Easter movies like "The Passion of the Christ" are two other customs based on the Christian story and observed during Easter.

Also Read: City Blasted For Removing 'Easter' From Egg Hunt Promos

Tradition of Christians During Easter Sunday

Why Easter stated that Easter Sunday services typically begin around midnight on Easter Saturday in many Christian churches. The Easter Day Midnight celebrations are traditionally kicked off with the lighting of candles in churches worldwide. Christians sometimes burn candles on Easter to remind themselves that Jesus is the world's light and that when he resurrected from the dead on Easter Sunday, he triumphed over death and the power of evil.

There are particular churches where the service does not begin until after dark. After then, twelve candles are lit, and those candles are carried around the rest of the cathedral to light the other candles. Upon lighting each candle, the priest announces, "Christ is Risen!" to which the congregation responds, "He is Risen Truly!" In Greece, the beginning of the service will frequently begin with pyrotechnics.

Every Easter, churches are decorated with beautiful bouquets. They signify the beginning of a new life. In honor of the occasion, priests don their finest and most vibrant robes. On Easter morning, if a church has a model of the tomb that was there on Good Friday, it will be empty with the stone removed, just as it was the first time Easter was observed.

Moreover, although Easter Day marks the conclusion of Lent, it also marks the conclusion of fasting for some individuals. A vast Mass or Communion ceremony is held in Italy each week by the Pope at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. It is a destination for Easter Sunday celebrations for thousands of people from all over the world.

Many Christians also attend sunrise services, which are held very early in the morning to mark the beginning of Easter Day. Easter eggs are typically distributed to children on Easter Day.

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