Guyanese-born British actress Letitia Wright recently shared in an interview about how people have been telling her to just keep quiet about her faith, among other pressures that she faces as a Christian in the entertainment industry.

The actress, most known for her role as Shuri, sister to the late Chadwick Boseman's King T'Challa in Marvel's "Black Panther," openly shares her faith in Christ, who she credits for helping her get through the demands of her job.

"I've had people tell me, 'Hey, you should stop talking about Jesus,'" Wright told The Independent. "But there will always be pressures to keep things private that the world may not agree with"

Previous reports reveal that Wright has been facing some pressure for her faith in God for some time now. The Christian Headlines indicated that she has criticized magazines in the past because they omit in their publications what she says about God.

"It's super cute when journalists/interviewers for magazines leave out the massive part where I give God the glory for the success/achievements in my life," Wright sarcastically tweeted with regards to the matter, Fox News reported in 2019.

"Haha I still love you and God will still be praised," she continued in her tweet.

Facing cancel culture

Months ago, the actress decided to leave social media after she was bashed for posting about the COVID-19 vaccine. Her post included a link to a 69-minute video that posed questions about the jab.

The video also featured a person who, according to Variety, accused China of spreading the coronavirus and making comments about transgenderism. The video has since been deleted.

Before the video was removed from the internet, however, Wright's post went viral and she was bashed for it, with both fans and fellow celebrities accusing her of being an "anti-vaxxer."

Wright explained that it wasn't her intention to hurt anyone. Rather, she only posted the link to the video "to raise concerns" about what the vaccine manufacturers place in the jabs.

The Christian actress, realizing just how harsh cancel culture can be, addressed it in another post, saying, "If you don't conform to popular opinions, but ask questions and think for yourself... you get cancelled."

Critics still tried to cancel her after that, prompting her to leave social media. She has been offline for nearly a year now - and she's happy about it.

"It's been brilliant. I've been able to go away and educate myself, read books and connect with my family," she said, adding that her action removed the pressure felt from having to say what people expect her to say.

"Everyone should just step away from social media," she added.

Keep talking

Despite the pressure to keep quiet about Jesus and the harassment she faced for saying what the cancel culture hates, Wright remains outspoken about her faith. In fact, the Independent noted how she is "at her most animated" when she is "talking about her relationship with God."

Wright explained that she isn't trying to force her faith on others; rather, she simply talks about Christ because she is grateful for what He does for her.

"...I'm not trying to force anything on anyone. I'm sharing my truth because I probably wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for Jesus, I probably wouldn't have been able to cope," the 27 year old actress said.

"And if someone saves you and brings light and love to your life, you want to share that. You don't want to hide it," she continued.

Wright added that she is currently undergoing a "transformative" stage in her life where she is still getting to know who she really is. She said she is able to face the challenges at this phase in her life "with God."

"The world is so fickle, and there's not much that you can really put your hope in to make you feel whole," she said.

"It's been beautiful to have my faith in Jesus, which is worth more than anything," she declared.