Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said on Thursday that he will prioritize putting an end to Big Tech's censorship of conservative content on the media and various social network platforms.

"I think it's probably the most important legislative issue that we're going to have to get right this year and next Year," he said during a conference hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

The governor believes that media bias is at work based on the silencing of numerous conservative voices online in favor of the more liberal views.

"We need to really think deeply about if we are a disfavored class based on our principles, based on having conservative views, based on being a Christian, based on whatever you can say that is not favored in Silicon Valley," states Gov. DeSantis.

He also took issue with what several tech corporations have done against Parler, an alternative social networking site where conservative users were able to exercise their right to free speech.

"They decapitated this company, Parler. This was a coordinated assault on a company that was trying to compete," DeSantis said.

Furthermore, Gov. DeSantis opined that the media meddled with the election by the way they frame and present information in their broadcast.

"Big Tech can actually suppress this information and that is just simply ok? That is election interference if you want to be honest about it, and that's something that really needs to be addressed," he said, as per One America News Network..

He added that he will start taking action on the censorship issue and that they would find ways to provide people some protection.

"We're going to take action, I think you're going to see Texas want to take action," he said.

Planned censorship

On Sunday, Facebook's former chief security officer Alex Stamos told CNN that he thinks telecommunication companies including Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon should also censor contents about right wing ideologies.

He also pointed out that several conservative influencers have amassed large followings and that their access to platforms like YouTube must be curbed.

"We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences. They are extremely radical, and pushing extremely radical views," Stamos told CNN.

"It is up to the Facebooks and YouTubes, in particular, to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation," he added.

Stamos also made a case of radicalism by other news outlets citing OANN and Newsmax as examples.

"One of the places you can see this is on the fact that you now have competitors to Fox News on their right, OANN and Newsmax, which are carried by all the major cable networks, who are trying now to outflank Fox [News] on the right because the moment Fox introduced any kind of realism into their reporting, immediately a bunch of people chose to put themselves into a sealed ecosystem," he said.

"They can do that both on cable. They can do it online, and that becomes a huge challenge in figuring out how do you bring people back into the mainstream of fact-based reporting and try to get us back into the same consensual reality," he added.


It's a fact, however, that mainstream media have at many times either engaged in a coverup of the truth, or have peddled lies themselves, unlike the networks Stamos accused of having done so.

For example, earlier reports revealed that mainstream media such as CNN, the Associated Press, and others, did not report violent attacks Trump supporters experienced as they joined the Million MAGA March in November last year - just one of the many violent things groups like Antifa and others did across America in 2020.

At the time, political strategist Doug Stafford called out Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and mainstream media to condemn such acts.

"I want to hear Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemn Antifa/BLM criminals who assaulted and harassed peaceful demonstrators in DC today, including elderly and families," Stafford said via Twitter. "Of course they won't. And 'media' won't make them."

Aside from not reporting the truth about certain things, mainstream media also helped peddle lies. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told One America News Network in December last year that mainstream media willingly participated in China's disinformation campaign.

"In many cases, you see American media is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party. Big media empires have operations right--there's 1.4 billion people in China, they wanna serve that market so they want to sell their movies, or their streaming products there. So they often bend the knee, kowtow to them," Pompeo said.