It has been very noisy in America for the past few months, and all of this is centered on the recent U.S. Presidential elections where pro-life, pro-God, pro-America Donald Trump is seeking re-election against pro-abortion, pro-China, and longtime Democrat politician Joe Biden.

Now that the day when Congress declares the next President is near, the noise hasn't died down still. On one side of the coin are those who wish to stand up against voter fraud and election cheating, and on the other side are those who wish to suppress the voices that fight against the stealing of the 2020 general elections.

Two significant persons in the fight against election fraud, in particular, reported to receiving threats meant to strike fear into, or even kill, them. These two -Senator Josh Hawley and inventor Jovan Pulitzer. and the people close to them- have been attacked or harassed one way or another.

Sen. Josh Hawley

Senator Josh Hawley, who last week openly said he will object to the electoral college certification on Jan. 6, said violent leftists known as Antifa came to his home in Washington DC to attack. While he was away in Missouri, his wife and newborn daughter were there when the leftists pounded their door, vandalized the place, and threatened them.

The Gateway Pundit shared a tweet from a certain Melissa who posted photos of the warning signs they, the violent Antifa, placed in front of Hawley's house. The signs were meant to intimidate the Senator and stop him from challenging Biden's fraudulent vote numbers.

The violent leftists called their action a "vigil" but it was not at all "non-violent," "solemn," and done "quietly" as defines the word.

"Democrats are so sure of their election results that they threaten anyone, including mothers and babies, who stand in their way to power!" TGP said.

Jovan Pulitzer

Inventor Jovan Pulitzer, who gained attention after speaking at a Georgia hearing and revealing that he and his team have a method to determine the validity of a huge number of ballots in a short period of time, also reported that one of his team members' home "took 5 shots through the windows in a drive by," The Gateway Pundit reported.

What's even more worrying about the attack is that it could've hurt the team member's child, as the bullets went "right through his daughter's bedroom window," Pulitzer said. The attack happened after the Georgia Senate passed a motion authorizing Pulitzer and his team to go through Fulton county's absentee ballots for the purpose of auditing them.

Pulitzer, who said his team is capable of validating half a million ballots in two hours, "could save the union," TGP noted. Those who were behind the fraudulent votes apparently do not want him and his team to do that.