Christians all over the globe are celebrating Christmas with gratefulness in their hearts, thanking God for sending His only begotten Son into the world. The celebrations are not without hardship of some kind, however.

Recent reports indicated that various governments continue to enact restrictions said to protect people from COVID-19. Some people in high places tried to cancel Christmas family gatherings, whether inside or outside the home.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic also affected how Christians attend church, which also ultimately affected the quality of their faith and relationship with God. Despite the lack of worship services, some still consider faith in God as something very important in times like this. The faith of some even grew stronger, in spite of the efforts from authorities to prevent them from gathering to worship.

The recent US election also caused quite a stir among many. US President Donald Trump and his campaign continue to fight for free and fair elections, while the Democrats and mainstream media continue their efforts to convince people that Biden won - even when the election results are hotly contested.

All these things are likely to have caused confusion to many believers. Despite all of the stress that 2020 presented -from COVID-19, to overreaching restrictions, to the massive voter fraud that happened in the recent elections- one thing remains the same: God's faithfulness.

God isn't affected by lockdowns

Renowned minister Franklin Graham, in an article, said everything can be locked down, but God cannot be shut down.

"While everything else may lock down, isn't it reassuring to know there is a God who never shuts down? He will never isolate or leave those who trust in him alone."

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced lockdowns that effectively cancel Christmas celebrations in the United Kingdom, eliciting a response from US President Trump. New York Governor Cuomo continues to issue lockdowns and prohibitions including a ban on indoor dining, and caused local restaurants to ban him from eating in them ever again.

Different states have also called for bans or harsh restrictions when it comes to church gatherings. Thankfully, the Supreme Court decided to overturn these restrictions in some states, the ruling of which became a basis for other courts to follow.

All of these lockdowns cannot lock God down, and this is one of those reasons Christians should be thankful for this Christmas. Believers can rest in the peace that Christ gives.

"His promise in John 14:27 is true for all who believe in him: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you,"" Graham said.

His Only Son

With all of the noise and the ideologies in the world today, it's not difficult to understand that people's opinions will be swayed easily.

Skillet frontman John Cooper, in a recent interview, talked about the dangers of cultural relativism and how Christians should fight back.

He said people nowadays face a crisis of faith, characterized by the wrong believe that everyone can get to heaven simply by good works, and not because of Christ.

"We have gotten so scared about saying things that are true that it has caused a crisis," he said. "It has caused a crisis of people believing that they are good and that they can reach heaven without Jesus' help."

The Bible says that there's no way to the Father except Jesus Christ. No one can come to the Father except through Him. He came to earth so that all peoples can get the chance to be reconciled with God. And unless people come to God through Him, they won't be saved.

This is the very essence of Christmas: God giving His only begotten Son to save poor mankind. President Donald Trump spoke about this during his Christmas speech:

"As Christians everywhere know, the birth of our Lord and Savior changed history forever," he said. "At Christmas we give thanks to God, and that God sent His only Son to die for us and to offer everlasting peace to all humanity."