The Intercessors for America have issued an encouragement to all the faithful to not stop praying for the US election, and shared four ways to do so in the midst of all the chaos and noise designed to tire people out.

"We all have election fatigue-yes, it's real," IFA Staff Kris Kubal wrote.

"And before I go further, I want to thank the thousands of intercessors who have faithfully prayed for and about the election this year. It was an amazing combined effort. Millions were prayed for on the map. Now we are faced with mass amounts of confusing information on the current state of the elections."

Kubal shared five dangers that might happen if Christians give up on praying for America, especially now that so many revelations have been made regarding the affairs of the nation, particularly the affairs of those leading the country.

The intercessor noted how recent reports revealed China's decades of influence in the highest places in American government and policy, how a Biden presidency could usher in very bad changes to or even destroy the American culture and framework, and how all of these things can prove dangerous to religious freedom and Christianity in America in particular.

"There are many in our nation who are not even aware that America is facing a spiritual battle in addition to what we are seeing in the natural. THAT is where we are needed. Intercession for these times is key," Kubal said.

Ways to Pray for the US

Kubal shared four ways to pray, or four things to pray for, regarding the US and the recent elections.

  • "Pray for the people behind these issues"

Kubal said Christians should "pray for those engaged in fighting voter fraud, bringing lawsuits, [and] testifying about wrongdoing" She then shared a prayer guide on praying for these people.

  • "Pray for justice to break forth"

Kubal shared how her friend, Gloria Robles, told her that there's a spiritual battle for justice in the country. "There is a shaking coming to the judicial system," Robles said she felt God impress in her heart, Kubal said.

Kubal is urging Christians to pray for those in the Justice Department, and for the members of the Supreme Court. She also urges to pray for the SC Justices by name.

  • "Pray protection and wisdom for President Trump and other leaders who are seeking to root out corruption"

Kubal said "We need to be like Aaron and Hur, holding up the arms of our front-line leaders who are standing." Christians should be like Aaron and Hur, who held up Moses' arms as he raised the staff of God in order to let Israel win the war against its enemies in Exodus 17:8-16, and keep praying for those fighting for truth in the US.

  • "Pray for the Church"

Lastly, Kubal said "God created us to be salt and light," and urged Christians to pray for the church.

"Pray His people would be awake, discerning, bold, and faithful. As Ephesians says, "having done all, stand"," she said.

America needs spiritual "air support"

Kubal encourages all Christians to keep praying for the US and the US elections no matter how tiring the confusion or noise might be - simply because prayers are needed to win the spiritual battle for America.

"Yes, we are all tired. But the enemy would like to lull us into complacency, using our exhaustion and the pleasant diversion of Christmas to keep us from engaging in needed warfare," Kubal said.

"Pray for one another as intercessors. Rest up, prepare for this as a marathon, not a sprint," the intercessor continued. "We need to press on. Adjust your spiritual armor and keep praying. These battles our nation is facing will not be won without "air support"."