An actor and pro-life leader recently uploaded a video where he explained why he supports Donald Trump, and is urging his fellow Hispanics to re-elect the Republican leader.

Mexican actor and human rights activist Eduardo Verastegui, in a short video uploaded to Facebook, shared his opinions on why he fully supports Trump for President, LifeSite reported.

The actor outlined a few key reasons for supporting the incumbent US President. He spoke in his native language, but the video included captions to make it easy for English-speaking viewers to understand. He said all of his reasons for supporting Trump are based on "facts and not [just] words."

First, he said he supports Trump for "defending the right to live of unborn babies." There are more than a million babies that are aborted every year in the U.S., Verastegui said, adding that about 22% of these are "Latino boys and girls." This means that each year, about 220,000 Latino babies are "discarded" by abortion, he said.

The pro-life celebrity then said "undoubtedly, the greatest separator of families is abortion," because it separates children from their families "forever."

Verastegui went on to say that Trump "has been the most pro-life president" of America. He explained that Trump worked on defunding Planned Parenthood, which is the "largest pro-abortion organization" in the U.S.

Trump is also the first head of state to tell the United Nations that abortion is not a "global right," Verastegui said, adding that the President worked hard to prevent taxpayer money from being given to pro-abortion organizations both inside and outside the US, including Latin American countries.

Second, the human rights activist said he supports Trump "for his vision on the economic course" that America needs to take.

He said Trump was the only U.S. president who succeeded in lowering the unemployment rate among Hispanics, down to its lowest record in history, by creating more than 3 million jobs for them.

Under Trump, Hispanics were also able to "fulfill the dream of owning a home," Verastegui said. More Hispanics own their own homes now than before.

Third, Verastegui said Trump signed an executive order for "Hispanic prosperity," which is meant to "elevate the interests" of the Hispanic community in the U.S., which includes the Dreamers - young Latino immigrants to the country.

All of these reasons, the pro-life actor and human rights activist said, are based on real-life facts, not just talk. Because of this, he urged his fellow Latinos to throw in their support for Trump's re-election.

Pro-life efforts

Verastegui's claims about Trump, such as his pro-life stance, are indeed true.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, during the signing of the Anti-Abortion Declaration in the Geneva Convention last month, said the Trump administration has been hard at work to defend "the dignity of human life everywhere and always," Forbes reported.

The Anti-Abortion Declaration, also known as the Geneva Consensus Declaration, is signed with 32 other countries including those that are ruled by authoritarian leaders. It says that while UN member-states should give men and women freedom to enjoy civil, economic and political rights, they must not promote abortion as a family planning option.