While the holy scriptures of the bible are now translated into 700 different languages, China has been tightening restrictions on the distribution of religious materials.
Throughout the year, many Christians in China have been punished, imprisoned, and beaten for carrying religious literature. In the past, some were fined and detained for violating the ban on religious materials. Due to the high demand for punishment, Chinese believers cannot express their beliefs freely.
According to Bitter Winter, the CCP officials searched a local printing house for banned religious materials scanning each piece of literature to find out if there were any violations. The store manager reported to Bitter Winter, "Any religious content makes the issue political, not religious. Although banners on the streets say people are allowed religious beliefs, the only faith they can practice freely is that in the Communist Party. If any such content is found, I'll be fined, or worse, my business will be closed."
Christian Post shared, "The CCP has a very low threshold for permitting people to practice their own faiths," he said. "We think that is greatly to the harm of the country, but we know that it is to the detriment of the Chinese people themselves."
"I would advocate not only for every Christian but every human being to come and understand that nations are better and more successful when they observe the fundamental human rights that are accrued to every human being just by the nature of their humanness."