Tag : Russia
  • President Putin

    Putin Looks To Russian Science In Response To International Sanctions

    President Vladimir Putin held a government meeting on Dec. 8 to urged Russia’s officials to support the country’s own scientific programs. The president’s call for the development of local technology is in response to the sanctions imposed by other nations on Russia.
  • Vladimir Putin

    Russia Aiming To Seek Non-Western Allies

    In President Vladimir Putin’s speech to Russia’s lawmakers and citizens, he revealed that his government is planning to forge new alliances with non-Western nations. Putin made the announcement during the Annual Address to the Federal Assembly held on Dec. 4.
  • Noize MC

    Russian Youth Becoming Political After Government Cracks Down On Their Pop Idols

    Members of Russia’s youth are becoming more aware about their country’s political situation because of how their favorite musicians are being treated by the government. This started in August of this year after Russian artist Ivan Alekseev, more popularly known by his stage name Noize MC, perfo…
  • Russian Warship

    Russian Warships Sail Through English Channel

    A fleet of warships from Russia led by the submarine-hunting vessel Severomorsk sailed through the English Channel on Thursday. Despite what seems like Russia’s way of imposing its naval power, NATO confirmed that the vessels are not conducting military exercises in the area.
  • Russian forces in Ukraine

    NATO Fears Russia Could Control The Black Sea

    NATO commander General Philip Breedlove warned that Russia’s annexation of Crimea could give the country total control over the Black Sea. The general made the statement on Wednesday while in Kiev, Ukraine, to address the country’s leaders
  • Sevastopol

    France Cancels Delivery of Warship To Russia

    President Francois Hollande of France has decided to delay the delivery of a warship to Russia.The naval vessel in question is the Vladivostok, a helicopter carrier that was originally scheduled to be handed over by France to Russia in September of this year.
  • Ferguson

    Russia: Ferguson Controversy Highlights Racial Problems of U.S.

    Konstantin Dolgov, the human rights envoy of Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the social unrest spurred by the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, highlights the growing racial problem in the U.S. Dolgov warned that if these protests continue, they could seriously threaten the stability…
  • MiG-29

    Russia Plans To Send Bomber Planes Near U.S. Territory

    Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu of Russia announced that the country will expand its military operations to western parts of the world including the Gulf of Mexico.According to the government official, the expansion includes military drills that involve deploying bomber planes near United States terr…
  • Russian forces in Ukraine

    U.S. to Strengthen Non-Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is preparing to unveil new plans that will increase the government’s non-lethal support to Ukraine.
  • Satellite

    U.S. Worried About Possible Satellite Killer From Russia

    The U.S. government is worried that the unidentified object launched by Russia into space might be a device designed to destroy other satellites.
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