Tag : Data Theft
  • Hello Kitty

    Over 3.3 Million User Accounts Compromised in Massive ‘Hello Kitty’ Hack

    An Internet security researcher has revealed that details of around 3.3 million user accounts on various sites associated with the Hello Kitty brand have been illegally obtained and posted in public. As noted by various sources, given the target market of the popular Japanese-based brand, majority o…
  • Hacker

    FBI Hunting Down Hacker Who Stole 1.2 Billion Login Details

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is currently on a manhunt to apprehend a single hacker who has managed to steal about 1.2 billion online login credentials. According to investigations, the suspect, known as "mr.grey" is linked to a Russian cyber crime organization known as CyberVor.
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