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CHDAILY.comArchives Apr 27, 2024 | Last Updated: 23:29 PM EDT

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Bryan Kim

Bryan Kim

Tracing the Framework


As the oldest son in the family, I attended a Chinese school in Korea for kindergarten and a year in elementary school. My father was a school teacher, and I attended this Chinese school right in front of my home for his own fulfillment of a dream for me to get a jump start on my education.READ MORE

Bryan Kim

A Good Start is Half the Battle


Last Christmas, my daughter received a book for a gift from her older sister and brother. When realizing that her gift was a book as she was opening it, she exclaimed with joy. I also exclaimed with joy as well after seeing my daughter becoming so excited over a book.READ MORE

Bryan Kim

Have You Received This Kind of Gift for Christmas?


What thoughts come to your mind when you hear of the country name ‘Afghanistan’? I still think of Taliban in a barren desert with guns in tow training to become terrorists. I tried to erase that image with the thought that missions must continue in that country, but I was truly humbled as I was reading a letter from a missionary who has traveled over 60 times to Afghanistan since 2003 and, for over 13 years, ministering to the country’s starved and poor.READ MORE

Bryan Kim

O Christmas Tree


Last Monday, after a good 8 hours of continuous lecturing well into the evening at the seminary, I was well received at home by a bright Christmas tree in the corner of our dark living room. The brightness of the tree began to make my heart feel merry as well.READ MORE

Bryan Kim

Sharing the 'Tofu Gospel' With the Muslim Community


As they say, evangelizing to the Muslim community is as difficult as it is like trying to break a stone with an egg. It is not as though the Gospel is particularly difficult or inhumane. However, there is a widely held prejudice of hostility leading to the ostracizing and persecution of Christians.READ MORE


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  • First “Global Assembly” Of An Atheist Church

    The Sunday Assembly, also known as the “Atheist Church”, based in the United Kingdom is scheduled to have its first global assembly. The “church” is also known to have a branch and ...

    World May 06, 2014 02:34 AM EDT
  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

    The leaders of the DPRK have been making very strong statements regarding human rights. A representative from the North Korean government has stated in a speech that the U.S. is a ‘living ...

    World May 08, 2014 03:08 AM EDT

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