USA.Life, a social media platform is hailing as a refuge for Christians who feel like they are being censored in other more well-known social media platforms.

USA.Life was founded by Pastor and Silicon Valley technology expert Steven Andrew and claims to have found "the answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, Conservatives, and Liberty."

Andrew's 2019 social media platform imitates Facebook in that users can send messages, join groups, and become friends with other users. The platform also features reactions to comments that include the Christan Cross icon to express 'Amen.'

"Facebook blocked 5 million people per month from my account alone, so I started USA.Life to give conservatives a social network that didn't block their First Amendment right to free speech," the founder said.

Facebook and Twitter have been facing multiple accusations of censorship. Twitter has been facing accusations for temporarily taking down Donald Trump Jr.'s account for sharing a video favoring hydroxychloroquine as a cure for coronavirus when it in fact was not proven to be true.

"If someone is going to go out and say that hydroxychloroquine is proven to cure COVID when in fact it has not been proven to cure COVID, and that that statement could lead people to take a drug that, in some cases, some of the data suggests that it might be harmful to people, we think we should take that down," Zuckerberg defended Twitter's decision to take down Donald Trump Jr.'s account.

A Christian ministry in Facebook that shared posts of Christian testimonies of people who converted back to cisgender from LGBT after accepting Christ were reported being censored by Facebook.

Apart from the alternative social media platform, Andrew has also founded an alternative search engine to Google called 1776Free. 1776Free's is described as "the answer to Google and others censoring Christians, conservatives, patriotic speech, family values, and liberty."