More than 100 Christian pastors, religious leaders, and pro-life advocates signed a letter organized by the anti-abortion group Democrats for Life to persuade the Democratic National Committee.

"Crucially, we urge you to end the explicit support in your platform for abortion extremism, such as taxpayer-funded abortion in America and overseas, opposed by 60% and 76% of voters," the letter urged.

"Some of us are registered Democrats and some of us are not, but we appreciate the Democratic Party's stated commitment to human rights, equality, and fairness," the letter started.

"Accordingly, we urge the Democratic Party to embrace policies that protect both women and children: legal protection for pre-born children, improved prenatal care for women in need, especially women of color, alternatives to abortion, and a comprehensive culture of life free from violence, poverty and racism."

Kristen Day, the Executive Director of Democrats for Life claimed that she has never seen such extremist views on abortion in the Democratic Party. 

"Question for the Dem. Platform Committee. Is it more important to beat Donald Trump or more important to keep abortion extremism in the Party Platform? Abortion extremism risks Democratic votes. If beating the President in 2020 critical, the platform language must be moderated," Day wrote on a Twitter post.
Kristen claims that the Democratic Party had moved away from "safe, legal, and rare" abortion to supporting abortion up to nine months.

The Supreme Court has the final say on this matter and pro-life supporters are anticipating Trump's nominated justices would help overturn the Roe vs. Wade ruling that legalized abortion.