After watching live streams during COVID-19, a once Jewish woman has converted to Christianity. 

Lisa Cohen Huff, who grew up Jewish, watched live stream worship and devotionals by First Baptist Church of Gulfport even before the pandemic. One night, as she recalls, she heard the words, "Don't live in fear anymore." The next morning she heard, "Here's the door. All you've got to do is step through."

"I can't tell you how many times I've texted Jimmy ... 'You made me cry again,'" Lisa said. "The services were like, 'Did you write this for me? I feel like you're talking to me.'"

God used the First Baptist Church of Gulfport to work miracles within Lisa's heart and to eventually call her into the house of the Lord.

Lisa's determination to become a servant of the Lord was strong when she insisted to accept Jesus on the phone after an Easter night Zoom session. 

"I'm on the phone with her Easter Sunday night, and I mean, she was not getting off the phone with me until she prayed to receive Christ," Pastor Stewart of the First Baptist Church of Gulfport and also a childhood friend of Lisa's husband shared. He tried to put her in touch with a pastor closer to her home but, "She wasn't having it."

Weeks after accepting Jesus on the phone, Lisa drove an hour south from her home to the church in Gulfport to get baptized. 

Pastor Steward baptizes people during the week, sanitizing his hands and standing outside the baptismal pool instead of typically being inside with the congregant. 

Lisa's story is among the many fruits to bear as a result of the First Baptist Church of Gulfport's online ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic. With people joining in from different states like Kentucky, Virginia, and even abroad in the Philippines and Germany--the Lord is using First Baptist Church of Gulfport to bring together believers of the globe.

First Baptist Church inspires us and reminds us that there is absolutely nothing that is stopping believers from evangelizing and reaching out to God's children even during the pandemic.