On May 22, President Trump declared that houses of worship will be considered essential places that provide essential services allowing gatherings to take place in religious locations like churches, synagogues, and mosques.

President Trump continued to urge governors to lift any bans on such gatherings demanding them to override them and insisting that if they don't, he will.

Meanwhile, religious leaders do not particularly feel the urge to gather at their usual places of worship. And instead have found ways to cope with the situation. 

Reverend Steve Thomason, a dean at the Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral said that their live stream service has been attracting more people than their in-person services.

Religious leaders also share their concerns for safety amidst the president's haste orders on lifting religious bans in a statement by Rabbi Bruce Kadden, "We know even when we do start to meet in person, there will be members of our community who still want to stay safe because they have some conditions that will not allow them to attend."

Despite President Trump's insistent orders, a spokesperson for Gov. Jay Inslee, Tara Lee, is grounded in the concerns for the nation's safety. 

Tara Lee reminds us in a statement of the President's limits to power, "While we have read the president's comments, there is no order and we think he understands at this point that he can't dictate what states can or cannot open."