American Pastor and author, Max Lucado was recently featured on Mike Huckabee's TBN show as a guest. Lucado's book, You'll Get Through This relates with society today throughout the current COVID pandemic. The important figure in his book indicates a message to the world to point out 'faith over fear."

Lucado mentions Joseph in the old testament regarding the prime minister of Egypt during the time of global catastrophe. Stating that God used him to guide the world, the story of Joseph relates to the world today by encouraging individuals to remain in faith and trust of God. 

"He knew exactly what to do because he listened to God. God will get us through this. He knows that it's now time for faith and not fear. God will use this to develop our character and to reveal his personality."

As Mike Huckabee questioned how people are dealing isolation and feeling abandoned, Lucado quickly answered by comparing the idea of isolation and feeling abandoned with the disciples when Christ came walking to them on the water. Lucado emphasizes the powerful meaning of Jesus Getting people through storms. 

Lucado also mentions that many people are misinterpreting the character of God today by mistaking the image of him. Especially due to the coronavirus outbreak, individuals tend to misunderstand God in different ways. He sets off an example of having doubts such as believing that, "God is simply not true. God has forgotten us, God has abandoned us, God has punished us." 

Lucado shares what we should be doing throughout the time of suffering. He continues to remind individuals that God is always loving and fair. 

"And then we say, Lord, I trust in you, what are you teaching me? What do you want me to learn? Faith is not much about what I know what God is doing, but faith is more I know who God is and I'm going to trust him and listen to what he's teaching." 

Lucado shared a post on Instagram to encourage Christians to be motivated throughout the pandemic and have faith in the Lord. He gives hope and spreads love through external trials and tribulations.

"This is a Time of Testing. This is a great test. In the Bible, a test is an external trial that purifies and prepares the heart. A trial is an external trial and produces internal fruit. Just as fire refines precious metal from impurities, so our Heavenly Father tests us to purge from us that which is not helpful for his glory or our character."