On the March 1, 2018, Samiljeol Independence Movement Day, several associations of Korean churches acknowledged the Recovery of the National People's Congress in Seoul, Gwanghwamun and Seoul Station. They cried out for the protection and democracy of the Republic of Korea. From early in the morning, Korean churches in the U.S., largely in Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey and Atlanta, also prayed earnestly with the theme of strengthening the Republic of Korea–United States (ROK-US) alliance and protecting liberal democracy and unify with Christ. Many European Korean churches also gave a prayer on the same day with the same focus.

Each Korean church held special prayer meetings for the Republic of Korea at 5:30 am, 5:45 am, and 6 am, sharing prayer topics after the sermon, and praying for the freedom of Korea overall.

Pastor Huh Yeon-hang of The New York Promise Church hosted early morning prayer meetings specifically for the Republic of Korea both in New York and New Jersey locations, emphasizing the need for diasporic Korean churches and Korean churches to wake up and revitalize Korea.

"Nehemiah is a model of a leader among Diaspora immigrants," Rev. Huh Yeon-hang said in a sermon titled, "The Prayer of Nehemiah," on March 1.

He continued, "when Nehemiah heard the news of the collapse of the Jerusalem temple in his country, he grieved deeply, started building temple walls, and participated in the Reformation Movement. The current Korean Diaspora also felt like Nehemiah when hearing news from Korea. "

Rev. Huh Yeon-hang said, "North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and has held the Republic of Korea hostage, threatening the United States and the entire world. The United States is preparing for a pre-emptive strike while enforcing strong sanctions against North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. Our country is embracing a retrograding diplomatic policy while the international community is trying to stop North Korea’s nuclear development, which also threatens the ROK-US alliance."

Rev. Huh also said, "Many people who love the country and want to pass on the right history to the next generation are grieved by seeing the revision of the Constitution and history textbooks. We have received the blessing of hosting the Olympics, but we are hearing the sad news."

"It is time for us to bow down and pray now more than ever. Upon hearing the situation of his homeland, Nehemiah could not do anything but pray earnestly. And when he prayed, he did not only pray for his own sins but confessed on behalf of his father's house too. We need to confess like Jonah who said, ‘it is because of me that I met this storm.’"

Rev. Huh added, "As far as the Bible is concerned, the people of God were patriotic and did not forget their homeland. When Israel was in crisis, there was a diasporic Jew who prayed, and God saved them from their crisis through their prayer. Who are the diasporic Christians today? Millions of Korean American are overseas in Christian communities. It is time for us to pray, to take care of our home country, and to be united together in this crisis.

"As far as the Bible is concerned, the people of God were patriotic and did not forget their homeland. When Israel was in crisis, there was a diasporic Jew who prayed, and God saved them from their crisis through their prayer. Who are the diasporic Christians today? Millions of Korean American are overseas in Christian communities. It is time for us to pray, to take care of our home country, and to be united together in this crisis."

At the end of the sermon, Rev. Huh said, "There will be another time for churches and groups to gather together to pray on Sunday afternoon. I hope many people will go and gather their hearts together."

There will be a large-scale rally in Flushing, New York, on March 4 to strengthen the ROK-US alliance and protect the liberal democracy of the Republic of Korea. Churches and patriotic Korean organizations will be the main axis.

The Church of Promise held a lot of prayers for the Republic of Korea. After Rev. Huh’s sermon, many congregants went to the altar and prayed together for an hour to overcome the crisis of Korea.

Rev. Lee Man-ho, chairman of Korean American church council in Greater New York, said that he would continue to encourage member churches to pray together for the situation of the Republic of Korea.

Rev. Lee said "I was very impressed that in the crisis of the Republic of Korea, many Korean church members came out, took the national flag and prayed for the country. It is time for the churches in Korea and the diasporic churches in America and overseas to pray for the ROK-US alliance, and for the freedom of democracy in the Constitution of the Republic of Korea.

On the first day of the worship service, The Full Gospel of Antioch Church, led by Rev. Lee Man-ho, gave a special cooperative prayer for the Republic of Korea. Rev. Lee led the prayer on that day and prayed for the strengthening of the ROK-US alliance as the first prayer topic.

"If we look at the current diplomatic trends in South Korea, there is a growing concern that the alliance between the ROK and the US, which has firmly supported Korea's security, is being dismantled," said Lee Man-ho. "The dismantling of the ROK-US alliance implies the withdrawal of the United States Forces Korea (USFK). The ROK-US alliance must be maintained, otherwise, it will bring a crucial crisis to the existence of the Republic of Korea.

Rev. Lee said, “I see the discussion of revising the constitution confusing the Republic of Korea, but there can be no constitutional amendments that exclude freedom.” He also warned, "the discussion of constitutional amendments must be done under the values of liberal democracy, and should never be the basis for North Korean unification tactics strategy.”

Rev. Lee emphasized that the Korean people should learn from the Bolshevik Revolution, which communized Russia. "The Bolshevik Revolution, which was led by 0.7 percent at that time, brought about 70 years of communism in Russia," Rev. Lee said. "This history should never be repeated in Korea. We should pray for the people to wake up from the Samiljeol Independence Movement Day, Taegeuk flag rally.

Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.
Korean American churches had a special prayer for the freedom of the Republic of Korea.