South Bay
(Photo : Christianity Daily)
Pastors serving in the South Bay region in Southern California gathered for their monthly prayer meeting. On November 9, they prayed for the newly elected President.

A group of Korean pastors who serve in the South Bay region gathered on November 9 to pray together as they normally do on a monthly basis. But this time, they specifically prayed for the President-Elect.

The prayer breakfast, which took place at Shalom Church of Southern California, featured a sermon called “The king that God desires, the people that God desires (Numbers 17:14-20),” preached by Rev. Hwang Young Lee, senior pastor of Rejoicing Presbyterian Church of Southern California.

“The elections in the U.S. have ended and a new president has been selected, but we must pray so that he will take hold of God’s will and do politics for the people,” said Lee. “Let us pray that he would listen to the voice of God throughout his term.”

The pastors also prayed together for the advancement of the gospel in the South Bay region, for the nation, and for the next generation.

South Bay
(Photo : Christianity Daily)

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