The world's first, a Bible-based theme park, also called by some as "Christianity's answer to Disneyland" in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is where everyone would want to go for an interactive Jesus experience!

Also known as 'The Holy Land' theme park or Tierra Santa (Spanish), it has everything ranging from nativity scenes and interactive crucifixions to resurrections played by real actors and robotic Jesus.

(Photo : Brian Allen/Flickr/CC) Jerusalem in Tierra Santa, Buenos Aires.
(Photo : Brian Allen/Flickr/CC) Jerusalem in Tierra Santa, Buenos Aires.

Opened back in 2000, it does not have roller coasters, but has many amazing attractions portraying Biblical scenes from Jerusalem and rural areas from those times, all having Jesus and other Biblical characters from the scripture.

The Holy Land has everything you would ever want to see getting 'alive' before your own eyes, from the account of Creation to wailing wall, and when Christ rose again.

(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Wailing Wall, Tierra Santa.
(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Wailing Wall, Tierra Santa.

The park has over 30 different kinds of simulations including the one where an actor carries the cross and children are also allowed to carry it. The scene continues where Jesus stands before Pontius Pilate, Roman soldiers beat Jesus and take him outside the city, where lays on the cross. He then is lifted up on the cross, as women cry for him.

(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Christ standing before Pontius Pilate.
(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Christ standing before Pontius Pilate.

The theme park also has a 20-minute show "Genesis" which features the story of Noah's ark.

An enormous 12 meter robot of Jesus rises up every hour from a fake mountain with shouts of "Hallelujah!" accompanying it.

(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Resurrection of Christ at Tierra Santa.
(Photo : Roberto Ettore/Wikimedia/CC) Resurrection of Christ at Tierra Santa.

The streets of the park have the staff dressed in costumes from ancient Jewish times, with 'Holy Land' tuck shops selling refreshments, and many people playing carpenters, shepherds, apostles, and wise men.

Apart from the spectacular Holy Land theme park in Argentina, there are a couple of similar places in US providing Biblical amusements, though they are not as interactive as the one at Tierra Santa.

Waterbury, Connecticut has a 'Holy Land USA' spread over 18 acre land in Waterbury, Connecticut, which consists of stations of the cross, replicas of catacombs, Israelite village settings, and a chapel. The park was closed to public in 1984 and was subject to vandalism, but reopened in 2014 with an inaugural mass.

Another similar theme park in Orlando, Florida, 'The Holy Land Experience (HLE)' conducts Bible studies and weekly church services. The park, owned by Trinity Broadcasting Network, also recreates architecture and themes from the ancient city of Jerusalem.

A much-anticipated theme attraction in America is Ken Ham's life-size replica of Noah's ark, spanning 510 feet which is one-and-a-half times as long as a football field, and going up as high as eight floors. The project will seek to answer the most asked questions about the story of Noah in Bible, according to Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham.

"Sadly, many people (even in the church) have been exposed to the childish 'bathtub arks' we see in kids' books and on the walls of Sunday school classes and so on that make Noah's Ark seem like nothing more than a cute fairy tale. But once people see the enormity of this Ark structure, they will begin to realize it was a real ship," he wrote on Answers in Genesis website.