When "Harry Potter" alum and UN ambassadress for gender equality Emma Watson planned to start a feminist book club, it is safe to expect that thousands of women would be signing up to join.

This is exactly what happened when the book club called "Our Shared Shelf" launched, and even celebrities such as Sophia Bush lauded its creation, according to PEOPLE.

When Watson first made the announcement on her social media page, the Chicago P.D. star immediately replied, "yes please. In."

Bush was so enthusiastic about the book club that she even gave out suggestions on what to name it - "We for She," "She for She" and "fEMMAnism."

Other women who joined the book club include singer Kate Voegele, British YouTuber Tanya Burr, Abby Wambach, and countless others.

"It's official - 'Our Shared Shelf' is up and running. First book - My Life on the Road," Watson tweeted, referring to Gloria Steinem's 2015 memoir.

Aside from "My Life on the Road," they have also included the 1949 novel "The Second Sex (Le Deuxième Sexe)" by Simone de Beauvoir, the 1984 novel "Sister Outsider" by Audre Lorde, the 2015 release "Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl" by Carrie Brownstein, the 2014 release "Bad Feminist" by Roxane Gay, and the 1990 novel "The Venus Hottentot" by Elizabeth Alexander.

When Bush was asked about her thoughts on "Our Shared Shelf" during the 2016 Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, the actress gushed about Watson's positive influence on other women.

"It always excites me when I find like-minded women in this industry who are working to uplift women," she explained. "To see Emma trailblazing (this). She's so young and she's so passionate and that excites me that there's other women that are really jazzed about this."

As for the first book recommendation, Bush also gave it her seal of approval.

"A lot of people have already started reading it and Gloria Steinem is excited about it," she laughingly added. "And that's pretty much the craziest sentence that's ever come out of my mouth!"

Just like her character Hermione Granger in "Harry Potter," Watson is a huge fan of books and have often shared her reading list to her fans.

One of the books she recommended was "The Queen of the Tearling" by Erika Johanssen. In fact, Watson loved the book so much that she agreed to star as its protagonist Queen Kelsea Raleigh Glynn in the film adaptation.