Aside from Tom Hardy's lead character in "Mad Max: Fury Road," the protagonist that undoubtedly got audiences hooked is Charlize Theron's Imperator Furiosa.

Director George Miller is unsure whether or not Furiosa still has a future in the "Mad Max" sequels, but he did praise her as "a pretty compelling character" and added that it would be "great to tell her story" moving forward.

"Her backstory is really interesting," he told Entertainment Weekly. "We only allude to it in this movie because this movie is on the run; people don't have much time for recreational talk. But you pick up, you have a sense of her having gone through stuff. That's what the film is trying to do. You're trying to put a lot of iceberg under the tip, I like saying."

Miller said that it is actually very "gratifying" when audiences try to read beneath the surface and explore different aspects of the movie. As a filmmaker, Miller said that he injects as much information as he can into a film and it's thrilling when moviegoers get "some stuff out of it."

"You're learning about characters and their relationships and the world and so on. So in many ways, the audience is picking up a lot about Furiosa - or enough to intrigue. And she's got an interesting story," he said.

But it is not just Furiosa who has a rich history, according to him, and people should try and be curious about the other characters found in "Fury Road."

"I could tell the stories of every character in the story," said Miller. "I could tell the story of the guitar and the Doof Warrior. I can tell you the story of how his guitar was made, and how he survived, effectively a blind guitarist who only can speak through the guitar really and how he survived the apocalypse. And how he got to be basically working for Immortan's army and so on. So everything has to have a backstory."

As for the sequel, Miller revealed he is "certainly having conversations about it," but he is unsure whether or not it is the next movie he would like to pursue.

"I've got something a bit smaller before we go back out into the wasteland - something that's contemporary that we can get through fairly quickly. And something with not too much technical difficulty. Something more performance-based and so on, just to clear the exhaust," he shared.