Whether or not Tilda Swinton's character the Ancient One in "Doctor Strange" is male or female does not really matter, according to Marvel executive Kevin Feige, since what's important is how the actress brings the character to life in the film.

"Look, she's a chameleon in everything she does. She has this amazing (ability to) harness of this androgynous sense. So, we use the term 'her' and 'she' in the film but, other than that, it's very androgynous. Because it doesn't matter," Feige told Entertainment Weekly.

Feige added that they are not afraid of change and exploring new things. This is exactly what they did with Swinton's character, just like they invigorated Iron Man's Jarvis.

"In the comic books, Jarvis is an elderly butler. In the movies, he's an A.I. system which becomes Paul Bettany's Vision. We are always looking for ways to change," he said. "I think if you look at some of the early incarnations of the Ancient One in the comics, they are what we would consider today to be quite, sort of, stereotypical. They don't hold up to what would work today. Also, within the storyline of the comics, and our movie, 'the Ancient One' is a title that many people have had. We hit very early on on, What if the Ancient One was a woman? What if the title had been passed and the current Ancient One is a woman? Oh, that's an interesting idea."

The first person that it came to their minds was Swinton, and it just hit them how perfect she would be for the role.

As for Swinton, she would rather fans decipher for themselves the true gender of her character. Like Feige, she was pressed to reveal if it would be correct to call her character a "he" or a "she."

"I wouldn't know how to answer that one. I think it's all in the eye of the beholder," said Swinton.

Aside from Swinton, "Sherlock" star Benedict Cumberbatch will star in the film as Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange. "The Notebook" actress Rachel McAdams will portray "a fellow surgeon that has a history with Strange," while "12 Years a Slave" star Chiwetel Ejiofor will be Baron Mordo. On the other hand, "Hannibal" star Mads Mikkelsen will be portraying the film's main villain, and he is described as a "sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect."

"Doctor Strange" will be released in cinemas on November 4, 2016.