The latest "Deadpool" trailer is out and director Tim Miller is gamely discussing the "pre-post apocalyptic Detroit" setting as well as the mysterious characters that are seen throughout the clip.

"I think there are some certain geographical clues in our story in that everybody knows that the X-Men live in upstate New York-ish and so we can't be too far away," Miller explained to Entertainment Weekly. "But the idea was that it should look like a (expletive) place because you want to set Deadpool and his world apart as something different: grittier, nastier, you know, more like Daredevil where it's down in the streets where he's dealing with small-time (expletive) that the X-Men and their shiny hi-tech world don't deal with."

As for the lead star, who is portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, Miller compared him to a kid who has ADD because of his overly hyper behavior.

"He's...had too much sugar and he can't sit still," Miller said. "He's constantly fidgeting and looking to entertain himself. I'm sure there's a word for it that therapists have for those kids who need constant input! But he's definitely that guy."

The trailer also revealed a recruiter, who might or might not be a mutant. He was the one who convinced Wade Wilson to get experimental surgery.

"He certainly is very, very good at convincing people to do things that they shouldn't do when they're vulnerable," said Miller.

They also have a character named Angel Dust who is much like the Hulk because they get destructive when they are angry.

"She's a little like the Hulk, in that the angrier she gets, her adrenaline sort of activates this super strength," Miller said of the character, who is played by MMA fighter-turned-actress Gina Carano. "So the angrier she gets, the harder she fights and stronger she is, so that's her power in the comics and we try to play that up a little bit in the fight sequences."

Then there's the Nagasonic Teenage Warhead, who is portrayed by Brianna Hildebrand. What makes her distinct is not just her powers and tough aesthetic, but also her hilarious relationship with Deadpool.

"I think Deadpool wishes she'd keep her mouth shut more than she does in the film! Because she's quite snarky," Miller said of the mutant. "But, you know, her whole attitude is this disaffected teen who thinks Deadpool's just a (expletive)."