When the trailer for "X-Men: Apocalypse" opens, audiences were given a glimpse of a person walking with the device Cerebro, which Professor Charles Xavier uses to determine mutants in his area. Many assumed that the character is Apocalypse, but director Bryan Singer actually says otherwise.

"That's actually Jean," he told Empire, referring to Sophie Turner as a young version of Jean Grey. "Her hair makes her a little strange looking! But I don't want to explain why she's doing what she's doing..."

Fans were also treated to a scene where Jean Grey tells James McAvoy's Professor X, "I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death." But Professor X only assures her, "Jean, it was just a dream."

Given her powers, Jean's vision isn't a dream but a full-fledged vision.

"It's all about their potential," explained Singer. "Jean has a special connection with Xavier, she has a special connection with the psychic world and she has enormous untapped power that's growing."

"The take I used for the movie is a less sincere take," added Singer. "In the movie it's an intense moment, a psychic moment happens between them and the take is a much more suspicious take."

As for Apocalypse, Singer said there is a good reason why they have chosen to shield his face for this long.

"I like that you just see bits and pieces," said Singer. "It forces you to look at not just his face, but his costume, the scale, the strangeness, the inscription, the technology. It makes you want to lean around the corner to get a better look."

Apocalypse's assistant is also revealed in the trailer, and he is none other than Michael Fassbender's Erik Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto. There is a question whether someone like him, who is used to leading people ever take orders from someone else, but the director believes this is possible.

"He's found Erik at the most vulnerable place in his life," explained Singer. "He's searching for God. Remember, he was a young Jew in a concentration camp when he first lost his family and now here comes this man who was, is, or claims to be God. The power of persuasion is Apocalypse's greatest power."

Ultimately, Singer said that the goal of the film is to bring together all of Professor X's mutants into one unit.

"This movie is about the formation of the X-Men," said Singer. "How do you get all these characters who are in different places in their lives to become the X-Men? That's the challenge of the movie."