Just what exactly is Chadwick Boseman's character Black Panther doing in "Captain America: Civil War"? And who will he side with - Chris Evans' Captain America or Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man?

According to Boseman, the Black Panther's allegiance remains ambiguous.

"He's someone who hasn't necessarily made up his mind about either side and whose agenda isn't exactly what Cap's agenda or what Tony's agenda is," he told Entertainment Weekly. "And I think that brings him into conflict weirdly with both characters at different times in the film. He is the prince of an African nation that has so far stayed very much sort of in the shadows. And eventually the film will draw him and his father out of the shadows."

What is clear though is that the Black Panther does not like Sebastian Stan's character Bucky Barnes, better known as the Winter Soldier. Because of this, he will go head to head with the movie's titular star.

Evans revealed that he enjoyed shooting scenes with Boseman because even though their characters are in conflict with one another, they are actually built of the same values and principles.

"I love our scenes together because I do think they feel a sense of responsibility. I think they're both very selfless people. They want the right thing, no one's irrational, no one has an inflated ego," said Evans. "They're family-first people. I think outside of the suits we'd be friends, Steve and T'Challa."

It's safe to assume that neither character will triumph over the other given the fact that they are equally matched, and the Black Panther's costume is also made out of the same material Cap's shield is made out of.

"The vibranium is a metal that is dynamic. It can change how it's used. It's not a liquid, but it has the ability to change shape and change form and still have its strength," Boseman discussed the material used in their costume and weapon. "I think there a lot of things about that in the mythology that I think has a lot of potential in terms of the storytelling... It's not just about being durable, it has the ability to absorb energy. It's not just like you hit it and it doesn't take it. It has the ability to absorb the attack of another person and repel or respond to that attack. That's part of the power."

The Black Panther standalone movie will be released on February 2018.