"God who rules wise hearts by strengthening hearts! I thank you that you cause me to adore and yearn for your grace.

Through meditation of today’s word, I realize that a wise heart is one that is truly valuable—allowing one to enjoy happiness, though one may be going through hardships, lacking much, and/or stuck in a lowly position (Prov 17:1-12). I earnestly ask and desire that you would empower me with your word of wisdom and have a heart that is prepared to receive your grace.

Today, may I reflect on myself moment by moment and be able to prepare my heart to rid myself of all foolish evil and to receive grace. I desire to live according to your will, and I believe you desire to strengthen me and to purify my heart, even if it requires unexpected and difficult situations. Would you add to unto me the wisdom and love that my heart needs, that I may cover over the offense of my neighbors and build up my family and community. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.