As the cast of "Suicide Squad" strives to provide fans and followers of the story an authentic and realistic feel of the characters and stories of those featured in the upcoming flick, David Ayer, the film's director, appears to be ensuring that he does his part as well, according to Comic Book Movie.

"David Ayer is about realism," discloses Adam Beach, who portrays Slip Knot in "Suicide Squad," in an interview with E Online. He adds, "So if your character is tormented, he wants you to torment yourself. He wants the real thing." While the director admittedly aims to deliver very convincing performances from his actors, Beach shares that Ayer is careful not to bring any of them to the point of no return - that is, to not let any of the stars get into deep with their characters which would cause them to completely and irreversibly alter their real life personalities.

Beach goes on to say, "We kind of have like a therapist on board if you fall off the wagon and really are villainous." The actor describes the "therapist" as someone who works to ascertain that none of the actors lose it during the filming process. He says, "There's a friend of [Ayer's] that's very unique in making sure we have our ground." Beach then adds, presumably to explain the necessity for such expert to be present in the set of "Suicide Squad," that actors sometimes tend to overly inculcate the personalities of the character they play into their actual daily life.

With the danger of such quite imminent especially with a film like "Suicide Squad," Beach says that Ayer needed to take the necessary measures to prevent it from happening. He explains, " Us actors explore very fine thin lines going to the dark side and he wants to make sure we finish a movie and don't disappear somewhere and then don't show up for work."

As far as getting into the character is concerned, however, one of the most notable actors who guaranteed that the authenticity of his part's psyche could not be questioned is Jared Leto. The actor, who plays the Joker in "Suicide Squad," recently made headlines when he sent odd gifts to his fellow cast members, according to a separate E Online exclusive.

"He sent [Margot Robbie] a nice love letter with a black box with a rat in it-a live rat," shares Beach during an interview for the premiere of "Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser." He then adds that Leto also sent a letter to Will Smith along with bullets. Apart from these presents, the Joker actor also sent the entire cast a "dead hog" and a video clip which featured him in character.

"Basically, what he said was, 'Guys, I can't be there but I want you to know I'm doing my work as hard as you guys,'" shared Beach. He added, "The video he showed is in character. It blew our minds away. Then we realized that day, this is real."