Hillary Clinton spoke on immigration reform at Rancho High School in Las Vegas, Nevada on Tuesday, May 5. The Democratic party candidate for the 2016 presidential elections said she will clear a pathway to citizenship for parents of DREAMers.

DREAMers are people who are allowed to stay in the United States legally regardless of having either entered the country illegally or have expired visas. They must have either a high school diploma or be currently attending high school.

70% of Rancho high school’s students and 27% of Nevada’s residents are Latino Americans. Clinton plans to gain Latino votes to win the 2016 election. Clinton plans on utilizing executive action to extend a full and equal passage to U.S. citizenship for parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. The parents must have lived in the country for five years.

"Be in no doubt, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential is clearly and consistently backing a path to citizenship. Whenever Republicans refer to 'legal status', it's code for second-class status," said Clinton.

According to recent polls, Clinton is unfavorable by a slight margin. Huffpost's polls state that 47.5% of voters unfavored her, while 45.3% of voters favored her. In a CBS poll, 36% of voters unfavored her, 35% favored her, while 17% were undecided. In NBC's poll, 42% unfavored Clinton, 42% favored her, while 2% of voters were undecided.