Prayer movement
(Photo : Christianity Daily)
Korean Christians gathered at Promise Church in New York to pray on behalf of greater New York and America.

“A United Prayer Movement for Revival in New York and in the U.S.,” an intercessory prayer meeting on behalf of greater New York and the U.S. as a whole, took place on March 18 at Promise Church. The meeting was hosted by the Council of Korean Churches of Greater New York, the Korean American Clergy Association of Greater New York, Jesus Awakening Movement of America, and the Korean Christian Council in America.

This particular meeting is the second of several in different regions throughout the nation that the Korean Christian Council in America has been and will be hosting, to pray for the restoration of the U.S. At the New York meeting, New York’s Korean church leaders and laypeople alike came together to pray for the spiritual awakening of New York, for the spiritual restoration of the nation, and for revival.

“I hope that through this prayer meeting, that America and New York will be spiritually awakened, and that Korean Americans will be able to understand and confirm what God has called them to,” said Pastor Jae-Duk Lee. “I pray that the fire of prayer will begin in New York and spread throughout the world.”

Pastor Jong-Myong Lee repented on behalf of the nation for refusing to obey the Lord in areas such as homosexuality, abortion, and crime, and prayed that the Korean churches in America would stay awake in prayer, and receive the Holy Spirit to lead the way in spiritually restoring New York and America.

“As the ‘police state’ of the world, the U.S. is able to declare war on terror, and is a country that dedicates and sacrifices its youth to any nation in order to preserve world peace. So yes, the U.S. must be a great nation and receive blessings,” said Pastor Ki-Hong Hahn, who preached at the event. “But after having received blessings from the Lord and the call to be the most influential nation in the world in all areas, America is growing farther away from God spiritually, and morally. We must pray for these things.”

“Just as God saved the Jews through Esther’s prayer, there is a specific plan that God has for the 3 million Koreans and 4,500 Korean churches in this nation,” Hahn continued. “Each and every one of us – let us be awake in prayer and ask God that America would be right with Him, and that it would be a positive, good influence to the world.”

“Right now, America is going through its greatest spiritual, moral, familial, and cultural crisis since the time of the Puritans,” stated JAMA. “We need to realize that our God who loves this nation dearly desires that we come back to His word and repent, and is warning us to repent and come to Him.”

“Though the church has tried to preserve a Biblical family institution, already 37 states have changed its laws, and the only solution now is for a revival that will sweep the country,” JAMA continued. “When we pray that the Lord would bring revival, pour life into the church, and cleanse the society and the nation, the chronic sinfulness of society will be purified, and a revival in the economy and in mission work will definitely follow.”

The prayer movement on behalf of the nation had already begun in the Western region of the country. In Los Angeles, large prayer meetings with all ethnic groups have been occurring each year since 2011, and last November 11, 6,000 people gathered at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in Irvine, and prayed for eight hours on behalf of the nation. On January 24, Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, along with thousands of others, gathered together to pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and ask God to restore and renew the nation.

The prayer movement in New York will be occurring every night at 8 PM at Promise Church until March 20.