No matter how hard we try to sugarcoat it, travelling will always cost some serious money. In this day and age where many free or absolutely cheap stuff come with a risky scam, it is great to know that people can actually save on their travels in a legitimate, scam-free manner and actually enjoy it.

Here are some tips on how you can save up (and enjoy) your holiday travels this 2015:

Use Google to your Benefit

It is quite easy to spot a deal online, especially since companies advertise a lot. But there are smaller businesses out there that can actually get you the same package or even better, at a lower price tag. Patience is key with this endeavor. Smaller businesses are typically managed by family members who own them, which means negotiations are more possible.

Plan Ahead

Plane tickets are a lot cheaper when booked in advance. Travelers can also subscribe to airline emails to get first dibs on promos and offers.

Get a Travel Grant

Not everyone is aware of travel grants and how it works. What it does is it basically pays for traveling costs for study abroad, research, training, and student travel. If you are a student wanting to study abroad, obtaining a travel grant can save you a lot. Those who travel for research purposes may also find this very helpful. The funds come from non-profit organizations and private foundations. There are also federal and state funded travel programs.

Travel Like a Local

If you are traveling at scenic locations like France, walk. Not only will it save you some transportation costs, but you will also get to experience its beauty on foot. Most travel agencies will take tourists to world class hotels and restaurants, but keep in mind that the country's culture often lies on where locals go.

When coming to Italy it might sound exciting to cram in as many cities, sites, and experiences as possible. It's not as good of an idea as it sounds. You'll end up making yourself cranky and exhausted which will taint your view. Pick a few major cities and spend a lot of time in each one. Go to see an opera, have a nice relaxing dinner, sit outside and have a long, long coffee. Italy isn't a place to speed visit, your best bet is to come here to relax, as the locals do," Surviving in Italy shares.