This Thursday, students from USC, UCLA, and CSUN gathered at a lecture hall in UCLA for a combined time of worship. These college students are all members of KCCC’s (Korea Campus Crusade for Christ) campus ministries, and they had gathered in Westwood to challenge each other to participate in their summer missions program.

The event started with a time of praise presented by UCLA’s praise team. Pastor Chi Hwang, an EM pastor from Church of Joy (LA) and a senior full-time staff of KCCC was invited to give message. Though normally at missions-oriented events like these, pastors and other Christian leaders tend to emphasize the importance of spreading the Gospel to those who cannot access the Word of God like we do. However, the focus for this day was a little different. Pastor Hwang spent most of her time talking about the reality of the world we live in today.

The atmosphere began to get rather heavy, as Pastor Hwang pointed to how the world was becoming more and more like how it was prophesized in the Bible – the constant threat of war in Korea, the corruption in the Olympics and global warming. She asked all the students if the end of the world should come in even ten years, would they be able to answer God when He asks, “What have you done to glorify me?”

The point of this worship was to remind everyone that the Great Commission may be fulfilled within the generation, according to so many missionary organizations including Campus Crusade for Christ.

After message, several of the key students dispersed around the lecture hall with signs with various countries they had been to missions in previous years. For 2014’s summer mission project, The Friendship Project Light, KCCC will be sending student missionaries to Asia Minor, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, East Asia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and US Interstate. The official training will start at the end of the month.