With the installment of a new government in the U.S., Christians must continue to pray for the nation especially in the midst of an impeachment that could affect the future of the United States.

The Intercessors for America have started a live webcast to pray for the nation's leaders. With the impeachment trial, the IFA is now calling Christians to pray for the key people who will be involved in the impeachment.

If former President Trump will be impeached, it only means that he will not be able to run for the next election for any office or worse, he can face a possible criminal prosecution.

Right now, Christians must pray that Trump will receive the due process of the impeachment and that the Senate will not rush 2-4 weeks' worth of trial to just a couple of days - without giving Trump's defense team enough time to defend him.

On Feb. 2, Democrat managers have submitted a full 80-page impeachment trial brief using small print. On the very same day, Trump submitted a 13-page reply written in big print to the Articles of Impeachment complete with a conclusion and his signature.

Trump's lawyers need to work smart because losing the impeachment battle would result to lifetime disqualification of ever taking public office again. Trump may also face criminal prosecution down the line.

However, if one would look closely at what's happening, Democrats are merely pushing for Trump to be disqualified out of holding any political office in the future. This move clearly identifies that Democrats are afraid of losing a rematch election once Trump runs for office again.

One of the good things that Americans and believers should expect is that Democrats are required to prove that the 2020 election was not rigged or stolen, the IFA noted.

Since the impeachment was brought about by Trump's continued allegations of election fraud which they called as "false," they now have to prove that the election really was not stolen or that no fraudulent activities happened to manipulate the results of the 2020 U.S. elections.

Another point of the impeachment was that Trump's statements were made to incite violence against the present government. The Democrats accuse Trump of inciting violence and calling his supporters to start a riot at the Capitol Hill during the "Save America March" which was in fact organized by others and not the then president. The impeachment brief against Trump is full of false narratives which can be confusing without knowing the truth.

Previous reports indicated that Trump could not be blamed for the violence as he did not incite his supporters to violently make their voices be heard. Evidence also revealed that leftists were present at the Capitol to cause trouble.

Knowing all these, here's how Christians can pray for Trump and the ongoing impeachment trial.

  • Pray for the truth to be revealed and righteousness to prevail.
  • Pray for the people who will be interceding for the trial.
  • Pray for God's wisdom and sound judgment to all who will be involved in the impeachment.
  • Pray for continued protection for the nation, the previous administration and its supporters.
  • Pray for the current government to fear God and rule in the fear of God.