(Editor's Note: The report contains graphic details.)

Reports recount horrific tales of how women from religious minorities suffer from China's "re-education" camps.

Women from religious minorities suffer terribly in internment camps in China, The Christian Post reported.

Aside from the horrific torture, women suffer from sexual abuse and worse, systematic rape from men they do not know and even soldiers manning the camp.

Several women who were once detained in the internment camps in the Xinjiang region shared their firsthand experience of the horrific events.

One woman who spent nine months inside the so-called "re-education" camps recounted how women were raped "every night" by masked Chinese men. The woman herself shared how the Chinese tortured her with electric shocks before being gang-raped by two to three men.

The soldiers do not consider the fragility of women in the camps kicking them with heavy boots when they can't provide the information they were asked for.

Another woman who was detained for 18 months recounted how she became an accomplice to torturing and abusing the women in the internment camps.

"My job was to remove their clothes above the waist and handcuff them so they cannot move. Then I would leave the women in the room and a man would enter - some Chinese man from outside or policeman. I sat silently next to the door, and when the man left the room I took the woman for a shower."

What happens is that Chinese men would pay "to have their pick of the prettiest young inmates" before subjecting them to rape. When disobedient, the women will be subjected to "four kinds of electric shock... the chair, the glove, the helmet, and anal rape with a stick."

All these abuse, torture and rape made many people in the "re-education" camps to lose their minds.

"The screams echoed throughout the building," one of the women recounted. "I could hear them during lunch and sometimes when I was in class."

A policewoman in the Chinese camp disclosed some details of the horrific experience of women from religious minorities inside the camps.

"The rape has become a culture. It is gang rape and the Chinese police not only rape them but also electrocute them."

It gets much worse because women are forced to take pills, IUDs or sterilized. They were also vaccinated to keep them numb and nauseous, unable to fight their abusers. They were also forced to watch propaganda videos, sing patriotic songs, and memorize books about Xi Jinping. If the women fail to do so, they were punished with beatings and food deprivation.

Despite spoken accounts and evidences, China has continuously denied its persecution of religious minorities, particularly the Uyghur Muslims.

The Trump administration considered the persecution of religious minorities in China as "crimes against humanity."

Mike Pompeo, the former Secretary of State, called the Chinese Communist Party's abuse and brute force, particularly against the Uyghurs, as "genocide."

"I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state."

Russell Moore, Southern Baptist ethicist has called for Christians around the world to "pay attention" and pray for those who are persecuted for the sake of their faith.

"The way of Jesus Christ says that we pay attention to our neighbor on the side of the road who is persecuted, who is being beaten. So let's pray for the Uyghur [and] for other persecuted peoples. Let's pray not just individually, but together, and pray for them by name," Moore said.