A Texas pregnancy center located in front of a Planned Parenthood branch celebrated on Tuesday saving more than 90,000 lives since it started 30 years ago.

Christian Headlines reported that the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, started by the Prestonwood Baptist Church in 1991, celebrated saving 90,000 from abortion. The center has served 100,000 mothers since it opened in the Dallas Forth Worth area and from their clients, 90,000 mothers were convinced not to abort their baby.

According to the Center's website, it provides free-of-charge medical services such as pregnancy tests and ultrasound dependent on the individual situation of their each patient. They also provide "limited STI/STD testing and treatment on site" for those who have been sexually active on top of providing education and support. The center also provides maternity and baby items that come from donations alongside online classes on breastfeeding and on other topics for new mothers.

Their primary service is providing information, counseling, and support for those intending to undergo abortion--helping them initially through an ultrasound intended to equip a woman to be "fully informed before making any decision."

As per CBN News, the center serves as "a beacon of light for women who are facing challenging issues" by letting them "know all of their options and understand they are not alone" out of their belief that it is a "divine appointment."

"When that young woman or couple walks in through the door of our center, we see it as a divine appointment," Prestonwood Pregnancy Center Executive Director Leanne Jamieson revealed in an interview with CBN's "The Prayer Link."

Jamieson shared that, as per their experience, those who come to their center "are often broken and looking for hope" who have "found themselves in" such a "circumstance" that "often reveals other areas of their life that they are struggling in" and as such are in need of people who are "really good listeners"--much like the Center's staff--"to help them problem solve and navigate their situation."

"I really believe that most people seeking an abortion are doing it for some very fundamental reasons," Jamieson raised. "Often there's a great deal of fear surrounding their pregnancy and because of that fear they're really looking for some sort of answer, we might say hope--hope that pregnancy does not have to change their life in what they view to be a disastrous way."

Jamieson pointed out that the Center also corrects "head-on some of the misconceptions" young women have regarding their pregnancy by providing them the necessary information for it. In addition, they have members of the Prestonwood Baptist Church's Girls Bible Study Ministry come over to spend a day and help out in the Center for exposure, as well as, the opportunity to invite them to become its advocates to their peers.

"I learned a lot of things walking away from serving at PPC but one thing that stood out to me in particular was how the staff takes such sweet care of every woman or young lady who walks through the doors," Girls Bible Study Ministry member Kyndra Samaniego shared regarding her exposure at the center in 2019. "No matter the background or age of the woman walking in, the staff loves them just as Jesus would!"

Now operating two branches, the Center prides itself of its commitment so serve "regardless of religion, gender, sexual identity or orientation, or any other legally protected classification" and assures all clients are treated "in a caring manner" while protecting their information in "strict and absolute confidence."

Christian Headlines said the center's new location in Dallas across the Planned Parenthood branch opened in July 2020 after "quietly" and secretly doing renovations in the property in time for its opening "to shield the pregnancy center from negative liberal press, protests, and other challenges."

"I truly believe this relocation is the greatest opportunity we've had," Jamieson said in a 2020 interview with Baptist Press, "to offer hope where it's been lost, to offer a better choice that leads to life instead of death and to show grace and love at the very moment when many women are their greatest need."