On Tuesday, the Intercessors For America posted an open letter encouraging President Trump to not give up saying, "We are praying for you."

"...We need to let [President Trump and First Lady Melania] know we are here standing with them," the letter addressed readers.

The Christian ministry organization penned the open letter following a recent post where Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock discussed how Trump was betrayed by his own advisers.

In response, IFA called for Christians to extend help the way Aaron and Hur did to Moses - lift up praying hands to continue to encourage President Trump and his family in his ongoing battle.

"Many have asked, "What can we do?" We need to let them know we are here standing with them, much like Aaron and Hur who lifted up Moses' arms in battle.

"Today, the president needs our help in the same way, to lift his arms in prayer and encouragement."

The open letter thanked President Trump for all that he has endured since taking office and his willingness to remain in office despite the "thankless position."

The letter talked about how the POTUS could have continued his life as billionaire but instead chose to remain in office to accomplish peace agreements and slow the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus by shutting down travel to China.

The letter openly praised the U.S. President for his initiative to start negotiations to remedy problematic trade agreements from previous administrations, his efforts to restore economic strength with historic lows in unemployment numbers.

The open letter read, "With the now very real threat from China against us, I shudder to think where we would be right now if you had not taken those steps."

The letter did not miss President Trump's effort to restore religious freedom and stop persecution and his pro-life policies.

"You have worked to restore the rights of the unborn, rights of the religious community, and to stop religious persecution, child trafficking and the drug trafficking which had been allowed a free reign in our country."

The IFA's open letter considered Trump's decision to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital as something that "opened America to receive God's blessing" by honoring His people.

At the end of the letter, the IFA called President Trump as the "leader America desperately needed" and that he must not give up, step down or back down.

"Know we are praying for you and standing with you. PLEASE do not give up or step down. We voted you into office and we need you to stay. If you will not back down, neither will we."

Before the open letter, several intercessors like Dutch Sheets and Franklin Graham have urged Americans to pray for the truth amidst the issue of massive election fraud during the U.S. 2020 elections.

This is the best time for Christians all across the country to keep praying for truth to prevail in light of the election. God's people must continue to declare truth and for righteousness to prevail despite the many oppositions that the President face at this time.