Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma is definitely doing its part to give back and give the word "year-end thanksgiving" a new meaning.

Sole Collector reported that last weekend, TC's senior pastor Michael Todd connected with Silhouette USA, a Tulsa shop to make a special purchase: buy every pair of sneaker available in their store.

Venita Cooper, the owner of Silhouette USA was in shock that she told a local TV station, "I was like, 'Am I being punked?'"

Though in a state of not believing what she heard, the call was in no means a prank.

The whole team at Transformation Church together with Todd went and purchased all 186 pairs of sneakers in the store spending a total of $65,000 in one day and completely clearing out the store.

But the purchase was not a spending spree on shoes. Instead, Todd shared how they plan to use the shoes for charity.

"We are now giving shoes to the Tulsa Boys' Home to be able to take exclusive shoes and give them to people that may not ever otherwise have an opportunity to own something like that," Todd explained.

When Cooper heard Todd's reason for the purchase, it inspired her to find more ways herself on how she can give back.

"For the consignors who have trusted us with your inventory, your sneakers have sold, you might have heard... We are buying sneakers, we want to focus on local resellers who are trying to flip for some quick cash for the holidays."


Before the $65,000 buyout of sneakers, Transformation Church spent a lot more during their Sunday service last week to be able to give donations.

In their official tweet, the Tulsa-based church donated a total of $3.5 million and urged others to "go and do the same."

With their donations, people were given money to pay off their homes, cars and even student loans. Donations are also given to victims of addiction and sex trafficking.

Todd, who is also a New York Times bestselling author of " Relationship Goals" shared on Instagram with over a million of his followers how "Sunday was the greatest day" of their church history as they become "the hands and feet of Jesus."

This act of thanksgiving and ending the year on a positive note was not a first for Transformation Church.

Last year, the Tulsa church made the news after helping its members with their financial needs surprising them with cash, cars and even homes.

The move is almost similar to this year with Todd's sermon on "Crazy Faith."

Unlike last year where the church was able to donate $1.2 million dollars, the church was much more blessed despite the pandemic and was able to give triple the amount of what they were able to give last year.

Tammy Quarters, chief operating officer of Transformation Church shared why they do what they do when it comes to giving.

"This is all about inspiring belief. Our mission is to represent God to people. We want to see their lives changed, but oftentimes, people have tangible needs that need to be met, and it's like you can talk to me about your big God when you help me with this hunger issue or help me with this housing issue."