Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin and California Democrat Jared Huffman have teamed up to urge Joe Biden to remove God from America in a 28-page document proposed by the Secular Democrats of America PAC, a report says.

Raskin and Huffman, who both chair the Congressional Freethought Caucus, have presented the document to Biden last November 30 in an effort to rollback what former President Donald Trump has done--that is presenting America as a "Christian" nation, Religion News reported

"The Biden Administration should quickly debunk the right-wing myth that personal free exercise of religion is a license to discriminate against other people in the provision of services in government and the marketplace," Raskin told Religious News.

"Trump's ministers and judges have turned religious free exercise into a weapon against anti-discrimination law, and this essential fallacy must be corrected," he emphasized.

The Secular Democrats of America Political Action Committee, who describe themselves as "a network of Democrats advocating for inclusion of nonreligious Americans and mobilizing to protect" secular democracy", through its program director Sarah Levin accuse Trump of exclusivity on religious freedom that contradicted America's actual democratic way of life.

In an effort to reframe patriotism, the group's proposal stressed the need to remove "In God We Trust" and terms like "God and country" and instead use the country's one-time-use 1956 motto "E Pluribus Unum", which means "out of many, one".

"Tens of millions of secular Americans stood with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Election Day because they want a government that reflects their values. President Trump placed religious privilege above both individual freedom and our democratic way of life," explained Levin through a statement on their proposal to Biden.

In addition, the Secular Democrats raised the need to repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act so that the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare could be implemented across the board, including religious organizations.

The group pushed Harris' "Do No Harm Act" to fully implement this suggested repeal. As per Religion News, the Do No Harm Act ensures that the law"can no longer be invoked to threaten fundamental civil and legal rights".

They also pushed that vaccinations be made mandatory in schools and day care centers including religious ones, thereby removing them from exemptions, since "parents and children have the right to a school environment free of vaccine preventable diseases."

As per One America News Network, the Secular Democrats of America PAC urged Biden to rebrand the United States as a "secularist nation based in revolutionary democratic ideas" from "the Trump administration's depiction of" a "Christian nation." The group also recommended to discourage the use of "God and country" but required the inclusion of "non-religious advisors to attend all faith-based gatherings at the White House".

Trump was said to have previously warned that traditional values and religious freedom would be under attack should Biden win the elections, OANN said.

The Biden-Harris campaign website claims that if Biden is elected, he has a plan for safeguarding America's faith-based communities.

"With communities of faith increasingly being targeted with hate-filled acts of violence and intimidation, we must redouble our efforts to reach our highest values," Biden's website said.

Interestingly, the website accuses the Trump administration of allowing the people's "right to practice our faith openly, or to practice no faith at all," be "degraded" under the President's "watch."

If anything, however, previous reports indicate that the Biden administration will be pro-abortion and against President Trump's pro-life initiatives, pro-LGBT, in support of censorship, pro-Islam, and pro-China - which is known for its oppression of people of faith, not just Christians.