The six swing states - Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada - chose electors for President Donald Trump, with New Mexico joining the mix, before Dec. 14 came to a close.

According to The Gateway Pundit, the Electoral College met to formalize the 2020 U.S. election results.

To preserve the legal challenges that President Trump brought due to massive voter fraud, electors are now standing up and casting their votes. In Georgia and Pennsylvania, secretaries of states have already certified false election results in favor of Joe Biden.

David Shafer, Georgia GOP Chairman, mentioned how the Republican nominees met at the State Capitol to cast their votes and preserve President Trump's rights under Georgia law.

Shafer noted, "Had we not meet today and cast our votes, the President's pending election contest would have been effectively mooted. Our action today preserves his rights under Georgia law."

The Pennsylvania GOP also released a similar statement that seeks to preserve the same legal rights of the POTUS.

"Today's move by Republican party electors is fashioned after the 1960 Presidential election, in which President Nixon was declared the winner in Hawaii. While Democrat legal challenges were pending, Democratic presidential electors met to cast a conditional vote for John F. Kennedy to preserve their intent in the event of future favorable legal outcomes."

In addition to the first two swing states, five more states joined to pick electors for Trump as well as Biden.

In Nevada, Republican electors have cast their ballot for President Donald Trump and finally declared him the winner with six electoral votes. With the addition of Nevada, there are now three states with dueling electors for the 2020 U.S. elections.

Soon after, Arizona followed suit with its eleven Republican electors casting their votes in favor of President Donald Trump to be reelected. States are still in for a matter of election contest, but right now the Trump camp already has four swing states in his favor.

Before the day ended, electors from Wisconsin have made the news that they voted for Trump. The ball kept rolling for the swing states until all six voted in favor of the President to be reelected.

In Michigan, electors for President Trump were blocked by police from voting. Nevertheless, Republicans voted for the Trump electors, The Gateway Pundit reported.

 After the six swing states, New Mexico joined in, giving Trump a sure win in more than just the contested locations.

Bestselling author and 40th NYPD Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik tweeted about what happened got viral in the morning of Dec. 15, and called the event as "historic and unparalled."

As an earlier report points out, "a candidate becomes president by securing the most "electoral" votes rather than winning a majority of the national popular vote. Known as the Electoral College, the system allots electors to the 50 states and the District of Columbia largely based on their population."

It would seem that President Donald Trump's right to remedy the voting fraud he'd been fighting since the election has been granted with the help of his own electors. If all goes well until the counting that will be done in Congress on Jan. 6 next year, claims about Biden winning the election against Trump are likely to be refuted.