President Donald Trump is said to push for a landmark election reform once he wins the elections.

The election reforms were said to have been part of his speech in the rally held in Georgia last Saturday, December 5, 2020, One America News Network reported.

In particular, the reforms would include implementing security measures such as voter identification to have safer elections in the future. He also mentioned the need for implementing signature verification and residency verification. These are meant to avoid the widespread incidents of voter fraud such as the one that happened in the recent elections, as per One America News Network.

"This election is rigged and we can not let it happen again," Trump told the great number of crowds gathered in an open field in Valdosta posted in a live feed at the Trump Team Twitter account. "Hundreds of thousands of illegal votes were cast each day."

"How about in Pennsylvania when they threw poll watchers out," he continued, "and they did it here too, but we caught them cold."

"They could cheat in Georgia," he added, "Let's have a signature verification. They keep counting the same votes. I said look at the signatures!"

One America News Network reported that Trump will implement citizen confirmation to avoid illegal aliens from interfering in future elections. The residency verification is designed to assure the person lives in the country and lives in a particular state.

The president also stressed the high risk of corruption if the confirmation of voter identity, residency, or citizenship is not implemented. He also highlighted the fact that Georgia voters were a victim of widescale fraud during the election.

In addition, he said that he and his team are continuing in the fight for election integrity because this will be unjust and unfair to the hardworking people of America.

The president began his speech mentioning "irrefutable" facts about what transpired during the elections in so far as landmark voting results such as him winning by 11 million votes unlike any president of the United States running for re-election.

He said these landmark achievements in voting results, as per election analysts, actually point him to a landslide win yet this is not what happened showing that mass cheating has occurred.

He also mentioned updates in his current efforts such as winning in court on the border wall that he said "will be finished soon" and was "declared legal" for him to transfer the funds for its construction.

"We continue to fight. We just had great moments. We need somebody with courage and we will be going up momentarily with the supreme court," he stated.

Before his speech, First Lady Melania Trump gave a rundown of the president's accomplishments during his presidency.

The Georgia Rally was mobilized by the Trump Campaign in line with the many incidents of voter fraud that have surfaced in the recent weeks. Some of the evidences provided by the witnesses during the hearing conducted by state legislators with the Trump legal team were presented during the rally. One of those presented was the landmark video showing suitcases of ballots being brought in the polling center.