Christian leaders in the United States expressed their support for President Donald Trump's election battle and urged him not to concede until the whole process is completed.

Christian church leaders in the US said that they support President Trump on his ongoing fight over the 2020 election results. The evangelical advisors from different big congregations went online to hold up their support for the POTUS.

In an interview, Evangelist Franklin Graham from the Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said that President Trump "has a case" and added that the current president should not concede until the entire process is complete.

Graham further explained that the Constitution was created in anticipation that the election results might be disputed. The certification isn't issued for a time to make room for possible complaints.

"Our forefathers, when they created the Constitution, realized the election might be contested. That's why the certification isn't until a month or so later. It gives time for disputes to be worked out," he said.

In a reply to his Twitter post on Nov. 10, the evangelist called out for Christians in Georgia and asked them to vote for the candidate who will support their Christian values.

Rev. Tony Suarez, vice president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference also expressed his support telling that Trump has every right to bring his case to court. However, he said he is open for the possibility that Joe Biden takes the victory. He hopes that the evangelicals' voices will still be heard should Biden take the seat.

Tony Perkins, president of The Family Research Council said on Tuesday that the presidential election process must first go through necessary steps under the state law, the federal and the Constitution. Until all those are completed, the election is not over.

Ralph Reed, Faith and Freedom Coalition leader, and a veteran of the 2000 Florida recount expressed the same sentiments in an interview. He said Donald Trump has every right to pursue recounts and legal challenges taking the rules and integrity of elections very seriously.

Even Pastor Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of the First Baptist Dallas and a Fox News contributor said that Trump has every right to contest the elections. Jeffress recently encountered criticism on his piece calling Biden the "president-elect."

The evangelical leader later refuted that saying it was Fox News who provided the headline. The news outlet asked him to write a piece on how Christians should respond if ever Biden wins the presidency.

Kenneth Copeland, a controversial televangelist recently went viral as he broke out in hysterical laughter in a clip. He laughed in front of his congregation talking about the media's declaration of Biden's victory.

He later uploaded a video on YouTube to clarify that he does not hate Biden. He apologized that the story came across the way it did.

As the battle for the revelation of who really won the 2020 US presidential elections, Christian leaders watch closely on who takes the seat. It could be President Donald Trump who has been vocal on his Pro-Life advocacy or former Vice President Joe Biden who recently revealed his plan to reverse the current policies and bring back funding for contraceptive coverage including abortion.