Freedom March, a group of people who once identified as but are no longer LGBT are gathering to start a revival for the LGBT community to follow Jesus.

The movement will be hosting an intercessory prayer that will consist of testimonies of past LGBT members and a time of prayer. Jeffrey McCall, the co-founder of the Freedom March shared that Freedom March has been hearing from a lot of people about their desire to face their sexuality in obedience with the Christian religion.

"Several of them said they had supernatural encounters with God and they heard the Lord speak Scriptures to them. Others just heard Him say 'Leave the life,'" McCall alleged.

"We've had the most activity that I've ever seen in my years of ministry," McCall said, asserting that the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the surge of a whopping 70% increase in interest in the gospel.

"I believe that the coronavirus has been this season of so much chaos and turmoil in this country and it has driven people to just question things, to take an evaluation of our own lives and to realize that with all that's going on in the United States of America that there is way more to life than what they previously thought," McCall said.
With the pandemic lasting longer than expected and without a predictable date of effective vaccination and the resuming of "normal" routine, more people are turning towards God for assurance, comfort, and affirmation.

"One of the things that is happening in the United States right now is an open clash of good versus evil. We're seeing it in politics. We're seeing it in churches. It's clashing publicly. And so with the coronavirus and all the things going on in our country in so many different spheres, the clash of good and evil is stirring up people's hearts." 
The extreme bipartisan friction in the political environment of the U.S. also contributes to the weight of confusion and uncertainty that individuals experience during the pandemic.

"And when good and evil is battling all around you it makes you draw a line and people are either going to have to step on side of the line of truth and grace and righteousness or they're stepping on the side of lies, deception, falsehood and sin. It's time for people to wake up," McCall said.