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CHDAILY.comArchives May 14, 2024 | Last Updated: 00:10 AM EDT

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Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer

Eleven Vital Steps to Minimize Risk of Child Sex Abuse in Your Church


Most church leaders and church members are shocked and unprepared when allegations of child sex abuse arise in their churches. But it is a huge risk in all churches.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Unique Christmas Gifts for Your Pastor and Church Staff


A farmer gave our family a basket of corn from his harvest. It meant a lot. We were struggling financially, so the gift of food really helped. But, even more, it was an act of love from a hardworking man. I appreciated his heart as much as I appreciated the physical gift.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Surprising Insights About the Unchurched


They aren’t antagonistic. They welcome a conversation with believers. They aren’t staying out of church for the reasons you may think.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Reasons a Christmas Eve Service Reaches the Unreached


While Easter is the day most churchgoers decide to show up at the same time, Christmas Eve is indeed prime time for the unchurched. Why is that? Here are five key reasons.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Personal Leadership Lessons I've Learned the Hard Way


I have positional leadership, but that does not mean I am truly a leader. There are several reasons for this rather negative self-assessment, but the essence of my own evaluation comes from my failure to learn quickly and adjust.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Four Differences Between Programs and Ministry Solutions


I saw some non-program church leaders using the same resources as churches that were program-centered. I realized then that the definition of programmatic was not necessarily tied to the resources used. Instead I began to see four distinctive differences between what I now called programs and ministry solutions.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Seven Ways Pastors Can Deal With the Monday Blues


It can be the toughest day of the week for pastors. They have preached with passion and conviction. They have prayed for lives to be impacted. They have worked 15 hours on Sunday. Some have taken the barbs from critics. Others have self-doubt about their sermons. Some are considering quitting.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

The Seven Deadly Sins of Church Announcements


Have you ever had a cringe moment listening to church announcements? Most of you are probably nodding your head affirmatively. So what are the biggest factors in bad church announcements? Here are seven of the deadliest.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Categorical Lies About Pastors


I’ve had enough. I’ve heard the lies too many times. It’s time for them to end. The lies are about pastors and staff. They are false statements that seem to have some traction. They are diminishing the respect of pastors. And, for the most part, they are undeserved.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Reasons Why Churches Are Dying and Declining Faster Today


“In the past, I’ve been able to lead churches to growth. I can’t do it anymore. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” A pastor shared those sentences with me just three days ago. He was frustrated. He was confused. He was exhausted. And he is not alone.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Five Bad Apologies by Leaders


I really don’t like to share my experience with apologies, because it is evidence of my bad leadership. But leaders need to learn to apologize. Real apologies. Sincere apologies.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Fifteen Reasons Why Your Pastor Should Not Visit Much


I read the sad story recently of a church that fired its pastor because “he didn’t visit the members enough.” Granted, I don’t know all the details about the situation, but I am not optimistic about the church’s future.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Eight Warning Signs of a Bully Church Member


“I love you pastor, but I want you fired.” Several months ago I wrote about bully church members. The post focused on the damage they do and the problems they create. The article resonated with many church leaders.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Six Terrible Ways to Recruit Ministry Volunteers in Your Church


Would you like to do the worst possible job of getting people involved in ministry in your church? Sometimes I think church leaders take the most negative approaches in an attempt to encourage more people to get involved in ministry in the church.READ MORE

Thom Rainer

Ten Things Church Members Would Love to Hear from Their Pastors


Most church members love their pastors. Many church members are encouragers to their pastors. Pastors often lose perspective when a few critical church members become a persistent pain and challenge.READ MORE

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  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

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